Return to Earth, Part II

See File

Aurora 28-1

Return to Earth, Part II

By Sharon Best, Janissa, Tex Beethoven and David

(Last Revision: 29-Sep-96)

Earth’s Atmosphere, 80,000 Feet Over The Central USA

It was pure luck that Sh’Lyra happened to spot two of her ship’s shuttles just as they re-entered the atmosphere in close formation, the ionization of their passage lighting the night sky. But her keen eyes saw that they were both entering the atmosphere at the wrong angle and speed, and that one of them was suddenly weaving back and forth insanely, clearly out of control, obviously with a very inexperienced pilot at the helm. It left a long crooked orange trail behind it from the melting and vaporizing Vendorian steel that formed its hull.

The other one was entering the atmosphere a bit more peacefully, its trajectory soon taking it upward and away from the plunging craft. When Sh’Lyra squinted her eyes to check inside it, she found it totally deserted, the automatics using the gentle thrusts from its parking jets to move it into a maximum, but safe, angle for reentry.

Turning to fly toward the careening one, she squinted her eyes to peer within the craft, her vision initially revealing only clouds of smoke, oily blackness filling the ship from stem to stern. Squinting further, focusing her eyes to look through the smoke, she saw small fires burning almost everywhere, the craft obviously doomed! Squinting her eyes just the tiniest bit more, she scanned backward along the ship to the armored rear compartment, her heart suddenly beating painfully in her chest as she saw her most coveted slave crumpled on the floor! Aurora herself was in the aft cabin!

Disciplining herself to examine the rest of the ship more thoroughly before she acted, she saw a very impressive dark-haired woman walking slowly back towards her writhing slave. Aurora herself was holding her hands between her legs, trying to present herself as Sh’Lyra had trained her to do, showing off the extent of her arousal, apparently aware of the approaching black-haired stranger!

Smiling, Sh’Lyra saw the clear evidence that the Orgone poisoning she had induced into her slave was still suffusing her body very strongly, for Aurora was almost epileptic in her seizures as she exploded through endless orgasms. She was pleased to see that the Velorian was still held in the powerful grips of overpowering lust and need! Smiling aggressively, Sh’Lyra remembered that it was her own talents which had created those needs. The hours of violent sex that she herself had so recently enjoyed with Aurora had done little to dampen the blast furnace of lust that burned within Aurora’s gorgeously powerful Velorian body.

Turning her head slightly to look curiously at the raven-haired woman as she slowly approached her slave, Sh’Lyra saw that in spite of her dark hair, she didn’t show any other signs of being Arion. She looked almost Velorian in her features! Yet she could not be a Velorian, not with her dark hair… who could this remarkable woman be?

Finally forcing herself to look away, she scanned towards the prow of the shuttle, her green eyes sparkling as she saw her rejected slave Symbala at the controls. She was ineffectively attempting to bring the surging, pitching craft under control. Amazingly, another woman had moved up beside her! She was clearly a Velorian, her body so very beautiful, blond and strong, her physique even more impressively built than her prize slave Aurora! Smiling, she saw how the Velorian was arguing dramatically with Symbala, the two of them grabbing for the controls as they foolishly tried to fly the shuttle under manual control.

Scanning her eyes back to look at Aurora again, she was surprised to see that it was not the dark-haired woman that Aurora was showing herself to, it was actually that insufferable Monique bitch! She had initially been hidden behind the mass of the impulse engines.

Sh’Lyra felt a sudden surge of anger just at the sight of Monique: that enhanced Terran girl, calling herself PowerGirl. She had simply ruined Symbala as a slave by dominating her, instead of the other way around. While Symbala was supposed to have been training her to slavery, Monique had been so alluring that Symbala had been completely overwhelmed with adoration and lust. Sh’Lyra knew she could never trust her young black beauty with any significant assignment again! And all this coming after that slut Symbala had initially shown so MUCH promise!


Even as Sh’Lyra’s eyes viewed the ship from her rapidly approaching vantage point thousands of miles away, the meek woman that Sh’Lyra was writing off in her own mind was actually the only one of the five women aboard the shuttle who was attempting to do anything about the survival of the craft itself. Even now, Symbala was yelling at Laura to leave her alone so that she could fly the ship! Everyone else seemed to be completely preoccupied with screaming insanely at her or climaxing endlessly! Any fool could see that the spacecraft was on the verge of breaking apart from the tremendous and unpredictable forces being exerted on it by the trans-sonic buffeting of Terra’s atmosphere! And Aurora’s superpowered orgasmic thrashing in the stern were only adding insult to the injury, the forces being doled out threatening to destroy the already over-stressed structure of the small ship.


In the Rear Compartment of the Shuttle Craft

An eerie green light was reflecting off the walls, the intense illumination piercing the black smoke that slowly filled the compartment. Mingled in with the sound of this crackling green energy were the sounds of two very sensuous femmes moaning with pleasure gone mad. Green sparks of Orgone energy shot from Aurora’s nipples to Monique’s nipples and back to Aurora’s nipples. In a harsh commanding voice, Monique broke the silence, “Lick me, Bitch!” With that, a rather nasty and demanding Monique roughly ordered her new blond-haired slave to perform, the woman’s head tightly squeezed between her powerful legs.

Monique ground her hips back and forth against Aurora’s mouth as Aurora responded. She felt Aurora’s mouth savagely plunging against her nether lips, her teeth and tongue grinding against her pearl of pleasure. Monique cried out and shuddered as yet another spasm of bliss shook her powerful body. Both of them reacting unconsciously to the imperative that the Orgone infection had created in their bodies.


What her new lover and possible Mistress was doing to her tore at Aurora’s remaining abilities to reason. Yet she had found that she loved being dominated in sexual play by a strong femme, her ass even now being pinched painfully by Monique's strong fingers.

She gradually felt this other woman’s body shifting in hers, her kisses moving down her body, her strong tongue and lips suddenly attempting to pleasure her, to dominate her. Moaning in ever greater pleasure, Monique’s own self-control had been stripped away from her by Orgone energy and wild passion. In response to her overwhelming urges, she bit down hard on Aurora’s clit, her strong fingers and sharp nails digging at Aurora’s flesh as her arms convulsed, her powerful hands inadvertently ripping the gold belt off of Aurora’s body.

Aurora screamed as orgasm after orgasm slowly burned the evil Orgone energy away, her new lover dominating her as violently as her old one had done, as Sh’Lyra had done! Monique, being partly human, was not effected quite the same as Aurora by the Orgone energy. And despite the fact that she had managed to stop clawing mindlessly at Aurora’s body like the others, her arousal was still stronger than she had ever felt before, even in Kirrin’s arms! The Orgone energy affected Monique differently, seemingly bringing out her need to dominate the other. Reinforcing all this, she noticed that Aurora’s performance with her tongue was now greatly improved after she had ripped the gold belt from her waist!

The gold had clearly reduced Aurora’s strength earlier, an effect that Monique was already somewhat familiar with. “My god,” she thought, “if she was this good with the gold on, what is she like without the gold?

At the same time Aurora bit down cruelly on Monique’s large clit, knowing she could really hurt her in this way, holding her in place by her teeth and lips alone. The wild passion and pain that suddenly exploded through Monique’s body was more than she could withstand, her powerful hands ripping all the remaining gold from Aurora’s body.

Aurora screamed in pleasure as a massive orgasm also shook her helplessly. Her full strength was suddenly released as she thrashed, out of control. Purple lightning mixed with greenish lightning as bolt after bolt shot from her wildly gyrating breasts. Helplessly she clawed at her own breasts and vagina as overwhelming sexual need burned her to the core.

Monique was tossed head over heels down the corridor, traveling the length of the ship until she slammed though the door leading to the bridge. Stunned, she slumped to the floor, her head having hit the ceiling hard enough to break several electrical conduits and to rupture several hydraulic lines. Both angry and aroused, she started to fall back to the floor just as purple lightning coming from Aurora’s nipples raced down the length of the main corridor to strike her own nipples. She screamed as she felt her large breasts and nipples becoming white hot, her body thrown backward, slamming several times against the walls of the control room, finally bursting through the normally invulnerable armor to land in the central corridor again.

The fire alarm Klaxon horn briefly sounded until Monique reached up to rip the sturdy alarm fixture from the walls of the shuttle. Dazed, she struggled to her feet using the walls to support her, her breasts still tingling painfully from all the alien power she had just absorbed. She growled to herself and shook her head angrily, trying to clear her head. Suddenly the ship twisted under her feet, slamming her down onto the floor once again. Cursing, she stood back up, fighting to stay oriented. Once up, she found she couldn’t move her legs, the green energies that traveled up and down them paralyzing her hybrid Terran and Arion muscles!

Unable to move, she watched several fires, most of them caused by the weird lightning arcing from Aurora’s body, as they started to burn the carpet and even melt the paint from the walls of the corridor. Struggling desperately, Monique tried to make her body respond to her wishes. But only her upper body would respond!

The entire ship was shaking now as Aurora slammed her hips into the floor again and again, a flare of Orgone energy exploding through her body for the hundredth time. Suddenly, the artificial gravity collapsed and was gone, the machinery no longer able to handle the strain! Monique felt her body floating in mid-air. Instinctively she grabbed a door handle and held herself still, the sound of Symbala’s frightened scream ringing down the corridor from the bridge! Shaking off the nausea of sudden weightlessness, Monique put her feet to the door and pushed off down the corridor. Banging off the walls again and again, she was barely able to fly over Aurora’s quivering body. Looking down at her, she saw that the lightning from Aurora’s body had even burned holes into the tough metal walls, igniting fires in the adjacent rooms. The black smoke grew even thicker as everything that could conceivably burn now seemed to be on fire!

Monique, cursing loudly in French, barely managed to grab the top of the door frame leading into the bridge when the gravity was unexpectedly restored. She cried involuntarily as she crashed back to the floor, bottom first. Ruefully she got up and stepped into the bridge, still muttering French curses under her breath. Her muttering grew louder yet when she noticed that Symbala had turned toward her, a smirk on her face as she watched Monique rubbing her ass! The smirk suddenly disappeared when she saw the angry look on Monique’s face.

“Don’t punish me now, Mistress Monique, the ship is in danger!” Symbala gasped out as she stared back at her.

“Well silly, don’t just stand there staring at me, fly us down safely.” Monique retorted, her look of anger changing to a mock frown, her beautiful face lighting up as she joined her beautiful slave in the command seat.

* * *

Stepping quietly to the right, Laura slid back onto the bridge, surprised to see a very quiet scene through the thick smoke that permeated the entire shuttle. As if she were smoothly threading a car from lane to lane on a Terran freeway, a black girl with delicate bones and smooth skin was sitting with her back to Laura in the pilot’s chair, her hands seemingly guiding the craft as it pitched and yawed wildly. But despite the way it looked, the shuttle was far from being under any control at all!

A powerfully built blonde was sitting in Symbala’s lap, her hands caressing the novice pilot’s shoulders. The blonde turned around as Laura made a noise, their eyes meeting. Laura knew this girl!

“You!” she shouted in anger! “You were with the bitch that tore up downtown LA and blew up half of Nevada with a nuclear bomb! I saw you in the military pictures! I’m placing you under arrest.”

Despite appearances, Monique was now very concerned about her new lover’s ability to fly this ship down to Earth. She was afraid that both of them might die trying to get back to the ground. Startled and angry at the injustice of her fate, Monique’s control suddenly snapped when this tall blonde woman suddenly showed up. She was in no mood to be accused of anything!

“That was not my fault, and who the hell are you and why zhould I care what you zay you ztupid big ass female,” the accent she had worked so hard to lose returning as she lost control of herself. Laura was just opening her mouth to yell back when Monique continued angrily in a thick French accent. “I am innocent and anyway I no longer am under normal man’s laws. Kirrin was the villain behind that, zo don’t you try to pin that on me, zhu insufferable fat cow.”

Laura’s fists clenched as she fought the urge to punch this woman, no, this girl, as the two of them advanced toward each other, their faces finally within inches of each other. “I have every right, you arrogant hussy,” Laura yelled back. “I am ...”

“I don’t care about your rights, what about mine?” Monique interrupted, “I was the victim...”

“Like hell, you stupid little girl..”

“Little, who are you calling little, you fat cow?” Insult after insult followed, their voices rising in volume as their angry faces grew closer and closer, Symbala struggling to ignore the two of them as she desperately tried to get the ship under control!

* * *

Back near the rear of the ship, Diana continued her investigation, stepping quietly to the left. She was surprised to see what looked to be lightning marks on the walls along the corridor. Reaching out, she was about to touch a burnt mark on the wall when the sudden sound of squealing metal and another low moan drew her attention. Thinking of cursing Hades but deciding to remain silent, she cautiously glided across the floor towards the sound, the smoke getting thicker the closer she got. The smoke was now so thick that she could barely see her own hands before her face, and she was forced to reach out carefully with her toes to feel her way across the shuttle.

* * *

Aurora, still in a sexual daze, was laying on the floor, her legs spread wide apart, rapidly thrusting three fingers of her left hand deep within herself while rubbing her clit with her strong right forefinger. But all she could accomplish in her feverish delirium and constant striving was to drive herself almost insane with frustration. Tears ran down her face as she struggled to relieve the wild, overpowering Orgone tingling that filled her body, almost crying out in relief when her eye caught a small motion. Squinting her remarkable sky-blue eyes, she looked though the smoke, suddenly noticing a stranger: a tall and imposing black-haired woman walking slowly up to her. Yet the woman wasn’t even looking at her!

So great was her need, Aurora unashamedly wriggled as sexily as she could on her back, displaying herself as she had been taught a good slave must do. But the stranger still did not notice, the smoke too thick to see through! Silent tears were rolling down her face when suddenly, to her delight, the stranger stopped just in front of her with her legs spread apart and her hands on her hips. Desperate to please, and to be pleased in turn, she scrambled to her knees and reached out for the stranger.


By all the Gods!” was all Diana had time to think,“I'm being attacked!” as two powerful hands darted out of the smoke and grabbed the insides of her thighs, just above the knees, lifting her from the floor. With lightning speed, the Amazon reacted, grasping her unknown opponent’s wrists. She was shocked to feel muscles and tendons that felt like living steel surging beneath her hands. Yet paradoxically, the skin of her opponent felt so soft, so definitively feminine! Biting her lip to avoid losing her breath, she silently fought back with all of her strength. Muscles that would have done Hercules proud leaped into play as she struggled, desperately trying to clamp her thighs closed and to force her opponent’s wrists together.

At first Diana thought she was going to succeed, that is, until her attacker surged to her feet, lifting Diana high into the air. She felt her opponent shift her own legs, probably spreading her legs apart for better balance. She was shocked a moment later to discover that her own upper legs, her most powerful muscles, were being overpowered with apparent ease by a pair of hands! Against her will, Diana felt her legs being spread apart, apparently as effortlessly as Diana herself could spread the legs of an ordinary Amazon!

Praying that her attacker was as blind as she was from the smoke, she released her hold on the other’s wrists. Throwing herself backward, she spread her legs wide, hoping to jerk free and accomplish a back flip. But her hopes were dashed when her attacker easily maintained her iron grip and continued to hold her aloft. For the second time today she felt helpless in the hands of another person.

As her beautiful black hair brushed the floor she involuntarily jerked upward, startled by the sensations of her opponent’s soft silky hair flowing over her naked thighs, a warm mouth pressing against her crotch! Cursing her body for reacting sexually in the midst of battle, she felt herself getting wet with excitement as her opponent licked her clit with a tongue so strong and eager that it was sufficient to rip the remains of her costume from her lower body! Thoughts of her earlier battle with Xar flooded Diana’s mind. Xar had almost succeeded in brutally raping her.

Thinking of this now, she again thanked the Spiritual Powers of Nature, giving thanks to the Gods and Goddesses that Laura’s friend, Chris, had saved her just in time to avoid losing all of her powers from such a forbidden sexual invasion! Vowing to herself not to let that happen this time, afraid that the person holding her might be merely an effeminate but strong Arion male, she inter-linked her fingers together, intending to deliver a massive overhead blow to whomever held her. Her stomach muscles became as hard as granite as she did a quick sit-up, levering herself against the immovable grip on her thighs, the wind whistling in her ears from the speed of her movement. A fraction of a second before her blow hit, a soft mouth kissed her labial lips hard, a tongue parting them deeply!

Unable even to think of stopping her blow, and having no idea that she and Aurora were directly over the engine compartment of the small spacecraft, her doubled fists struck the top of her opponent’s head.


Up in the front of the shuttle, Laura and Monique were tossed off their feet as a massive shock wave shook the shuttle. Symbala cried out as most of the power died and the shuttle started to tumble even further out of control.

Deep in her sexual madness, still lost in the sensations of gold poisoning and the Orgone energy that burned within her, Aurora was only slightly stunned from the mighty blow. Yet before she could have even thought of using her flying power to hold herself in place, had she even been mentally capable of such strategic thoughts, Aurora was driven into the floor like a nail into wood. Her legs, already spread wide for balance, were spread into a split as she smashed though the deck, leaving a wide gaping hole. Her feet became entangled in the twisted and torn criss-crossing structural members beneath the decking. But this was all superficial damage, the real problem occurred on the second blow. The impact of her buttocks hitting the main impulse engine drove the small, powerful propulsion system partially though the outer hull, rupturing its case.

Aurora shook her head, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She now found herself trapped from just below her breasts and downward. Yet her body was still burning with unrequited sexual tension. Mere inches before her eyes was another woman's sex, her legs spread wide, Aurora’s hands still holding the woman’s legs wide apart. Without hesitation she let go of the other woman’s legs, reaching around to grip her firm ass. Her astounding biceps flexed, drawing the strange woman closer and closer, her superior strength overpowering this other woman with ease. She used her incredible biceps to pull this wonderful femme’s sex to her watering mouth!

Diana was shocked, not believing that her most powerful blow had failed to knock her opponent out! With a speed that dazzled her, the hands holding her legs moved upward to grasp her firm bottom, pulling her down toward her attacker. Diana’s own legs now tore through the reinforced steel floor!

Before she could even begin to struggle, an eager mouth was glued to her sex, her opponent’s tongue parting her wet folds of tender flesh as she struggled to stifle a gasp of surprise, tingles of wild pleasure shooting though her. Willing herself not to breathe, Diana was thankful she could hold her breath for so long as air and smoke together screamed past her and out of the holes in the hull.

Wonder Woman finally reached down and grabbed her attacker/lover’s head with both hands. All thoughts of struggling against her opponent were now replaced by a strong desire to struggle with her towards a mutual fulfillment. Her fingers were soon buried in waves of silky blond hair as she now used all of her strength to keep the other’s head pressed strongly against her gushing sex.

Diana gasped when she glimpsed a bit of blond silky hair clutched in her hands, moaning as she ground her hips against the very skilled tongue and lips that penetrated her sex. She thought, “Could this possibly be Kara, my little Firebug, driving me so wild? No other woman could be so strong!”


After having been conditioned for weeks to please Sh’Lyra, Aurora grew very wet as Diana took control of her in turn! Unbidden, thoughts of her fantasies and her recent experiences of being dominated by a stronger woman caused Aurora to moan with passion. Wanting and needing to feel helpless, Aurora stiffened her tongue and allowed the other to use her body. Diana, using all of her strength, moved Aurora’s head back and forth rapidly. Closing her eyes, Diana tossed her head back and arched her back, thrusting her large perfect breasts up as if offering them to the Gods. Aurora’s teeth scraped almost painfully, but oh so very pleasurably against Diana’s clit.

The violent movement of Aurora’s body now caused Aurora’s own labial lips and clit to rub against the top of the damaged engine. The rough metal head of a huge main engine bolt parted her sex and rubbed against her clit. With her legs still tangled in the ship’s trusses, Aurora began to hump her hips back and forth to increase her pleasure. As her clit scraped against the rough metal she moaned deeply into the warm fragrance of Wonder Woman’s sex.

* * *

As Diana and Aurora shuddered from their ongoing orgasms, Sh’Lyra approached the shuttle, narrowing her eyes as she again examined the damaged vessel. She was now less than 500 yards from the shuttle containing her Aurora, working to match velocities with the tumbling craft. Quickly looking over the shuttle with her super vision, she saw that the buxom black-haired woman had now taken charge of the ever so malleable Aurora - malleable because Sh’Lyra herself had made her so - and was now leading the lovemaking. Aurora was obviously desperate now, not only with her overpowering needs for constant sexual release, but with her strong emotional need to please, to be approved of, to serve eagerly. The other woman, obviously also super-powered, was thrusting Aurora’s open mouth and her rapidly vibrating tongue deep into her vulva and grinding Aurora’s hard nose against her clitoris while Aurora responded with eagerness and desperation, all the time maniacally humping the hot engine between her legs.

Suddenly amused despite herself, Sh’Lyra recognized the black haired woman as the self-styled ‘Wonder Woman,’ the one Arion intelligence reports identified as being from the pocket dimension that contained Paradise Island. She felt a surge of excitement as she contemplated taking yet another slave!

“She should provide me with some amusement as well!” Sh’Lyra thought. PowerGirl and Symbala could rot in hell as far as she was concerned, they were both ruined as slaves. And as for that other blonde Velorian, well, she would see.

Narrowing her eyes, she directed a pair of intense violet beams between Aurora’s legs, striking the engine. The thick metal instantly heated up past white hot, exploding violently as the powerful impulse fuel was ignited. Smiling, she watched as the massive engine bolt, almost 18 inches long and three inches in diameter, was blasted up to penetrate her slave’s vagina.

“Nice control, girl,” she said to herself. “You haven’t lost your touch!”

The shuttle was now hopelessly ruined, guaranteed to break up upon reentry. With a tremendous burst of speed, Sh’Lyra tore her body through the hull and flew into the Engineering compartment to land silently beside Wonder Woman.


As the massive bolt penetrated her sex and the explosion slammed them both into the ceiling, Aurora had cried out loudly, her warm breath blasting deeply into Wonder Woman’s loins. Aurora herself was lost in the throes of a powerful series of multi-orgasms as Sh’Lyra landed behind her.

Diana, her eyes tightly closed, her body trembling, was suddenly on the verge of a massive orgasm herself, the last straw being the hurricane force of Aurora’s cry into her intimate flesh. Yet she was still able to cry out in shock when she was plucked out of the air by the back of her neck and slammed face first into a wall. Stunned, she blacked out for a moment. Vaguely, she felt her belt and lasso being torn from her waist.

Metal walls bent suddenly and mysteriously around her, wrapping her in terrifying confinement. They stifled her breathing and entrapped her limbs so closely she could hardly even twitch a muscle, her arms trapped tightly behind her back! As if in a dream she heard some stranger screaming desperately in her own voice, “NOOOoooooooo!!!!” She was powerless, held in a tomb of thick immovable Vendorian steel, a metal five times stronger than any Terran steel!

The only mercy was that she fainted before she could feel the searing heat that traced upward from her heels, across her naked backside, up her back and arms to the top of her head, the violet glow welding the metal into an airless cocoon.


Panting and gasping in paroxysms of release, her orgasm shaking her from head to foot, Aurora could only watch helplessly as Sh’Lyra completely encased Wonder Woman in the Vendorian steel which composed the shuttle walls. Finally rising jerkily to her feet from the floor where she had fallen, six inches of the metal engine bolt still protruding from her like some weird parody of a man’s penis, Aurora took a shaky step towards Sh’Lyra’s back. Her last overpowering orgasm had at last temporarily burned off the Orgone that had infected her so, and for the first time in weeks she could think clearly.

She could hardly remember a thing since her battle with Kirrin in Los Angeles, and somehow she felt that had happened a very long time ago. Exactly what was happening here, and who the hell was this strangely magnetic woman? Her only recent memories now seemed to be vague ones of being overpowered by this woman (Sh’Lyra? Something seemed to tell her that was this woman's name) who was now towering over her so imperiously. Yet she had fresh memories that this very same woman had wrapped the woman who was making love to her, had contained her, entrapped her into the cylinder of steel that Aurora could now see before her! But she wasn’t completely sure of what she had seen, blurred memories filling her mind.

It was clear, though, that this tall redhead didn’t have Aurora’s own best interests in mind. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts, Aurora’s glowing eyes suddenly glared up at Sh’Lyra! A sudden and irrational fury took her over, allowing her to fight off the very strong instincts that she could still feel in her mind, instincts that said she should SUBMIT! Suddenly realizing that she would never submit to any other being, Aurora leaped from the floor, intending to teach this tall redheaded bitch a lesson in strength. She reached out to grab her shoulder.

* * *

As she rushed aft through the blinding smoke and flames, pushing wreckage of the disabled shuttle out of her way, Laura cursed herself for letting that infuriating and ill-tempered PowerGirl get to her so badly! She had been so lost in the heat of the argument, she had been unconscious of anything else BUT that angry face and those stubborn words. It had been all she could do not to deck the bitch! Still, she had allowed herself to get so carried away with anger that she hadn’t been tending to business at ALL!

Even the massive explosion in the rear of the shuttle might not have gotten her attention if she hadn’t suddenly heard Diana’s muffled scream! With most of the smoke sucked out of the shuttle, she was finally able to see her darling Fairchild, looking so confused as she lay on the floor. At the same time, a total stranger was welding Diana into a steel jacket with just her heat vision! She had no idea who that HUGE new woman was, but she was obviously trouble, and Laura felt a burning shame in her negligence, in allowing her dearest friends to get so deeply into trouble without even NOTICING!

She had to set this situation to rights, and right NOW! She saw Aurora finally stirring herself to the attack as she herself struggled forward through the wreckage, trying to angle herself away from Aurora’s approach so she could attack from the opposite side. Vendorian steel screamed in protest as she bent thick twisted beams out of her way.

As she finally approached, she could see the image of Aurora in the shiny metal surface of the impromptu welds on Wonder Woman’s new Vendorian metal suit. Metal was still screaming in protest beneath her powerful hands as Laura, forcing her way though the ruined craft, now attempted to time her arrival to coincide with Aurora’s own imminent attack.

Sh’Lyra, a veteran of hundreds of battles and a 10th-dan Black Belted Mistress in three of the most deadly traditions of martial arts, confidently stood her ground, all of her super senses focusing on tracking Aurora’s progress towards her while seemingly only glancing at the other Velorian. Almost invisibly, she twitched her head from side to side as these two powerful Velorians approached her.

Perfect, two in one blow” she thought, assuming a position of readiness. “No point in bowing to THESE two,” she thought as they entered her imaginary tatami. They probably wouldn’t even understand the gesture! She enjoyed the shocked look on Laura’s face as she bullied her way though the debris to see Sh’Lyra standing there, less than 5 feet away, watching her progress!

In point of fact, Laura was no stranger at all to the rigorous arts practiced on the tatami, and as she took in the lines of Sh’Lyra’s relaxed, perfect position, all of her well-trained instincts shouted out a warning. Just from the stance alone, she could see immediately that this towering woman’s skills were AWESOME! And from her previous use of her heat vision, this woman surely must have the strength to reinforce her formidable skills. Suddenly, Laura knew what was going to happen.

Shouting out a warning to Aurora, Laura tried desperately to dive around this impossible opponent and simply snatch Aurora out of harm’s way. Her adrenaline pumped, speeding up her time sense until she felt as if her super speed was a snail’s crawl as she helplessly watched Aurora reach out and grab Sh’Lyra’s shoulder with almost her full strength. Sh’Lyra spun on her toes, spinning around, turning so fast that she was a blur even to Laura’s speeded-up senses.

Sh’Lyra’s strong hands grabbed Aurora’s wrists is a complex hold. Using a martial flip maneuver that had taken her five years to master, one that in low gravity left an opponent struggling helplessly in midair, Sh’Lyra used Aurora’s own strength to help her overcome the Velorian’s powerful but untrained muscles.

Sh’Lyra, using all of her strength and some of Aurora’s, now used Aurora’s body as a club. Laura tried desperately to roll with the blow as Aurora’s flailing legs smashed into her stomach. But she was still hit so hard by the steel of her lover’s body that she was knocked senseless, her body flying back though the shuttle, crashing through the already torn and mangled members of the ship’s skeleton with such momentum that she tore the very nose and pilot’s section completely away from the ship. The two totally unprepared girls on the bridge screamed in terror as they fell into the glowing ionized air behind her!

Sh’Lyra remained calm, interlacing her fingers with Aurora’s, pressing her to her knees with only a mild show of strength and a stern look, inwardly thrilled to watch her slave fight her conditioning. Smiling, she watched Laura’s unconscious body become a shooting star in Terra’s night sky, an orange glow of ionized air marking her hypersonic passage. “No doubt some one on Earth is making a wish on that star tonight,” she thought in a rare mood of contentment.

To her great delight she watched her ex-slave Symbala fall out of the tumbling craft, followed by Monique and a considerable amount of debris. Laughing as the ship continued to fall apart around herself and her two captives, Sh’Lyra looked down fondly at her slave.

Aurora was dazed, shaking her head from side to side, trying to clear it as she felt a sudden surge of anger. How the hell had she ended up kneeling at this other woman’s feet!? Was this stranger some kind of martial arts expert or something?

Going with the anger, she squinted her eyes, and twin beams of destruction shot out to hit Sh’Lyra full in the face! Hope leaped in Aurora’s breast as Sh’Lyra seemed to reel from her blow. Muscles capable of rending the hardest steel leaped into play. Her arms and chest swelled with star-born muscles as she leaped to her feet and struggled to force Sh’Lyra’s arms behind her back. Buttocks, calves and thighs swelled as her toes dug into the tough metal of the ship for greater leverage. “Damn she’s strong!” thought Aurora grimly, as she felt her entire body heat up to a white hot inferno within seconds. “But I am stronger than any other being!”

Despite the pain, actually rather enjoying the slight burning sensation Aurora’s heat vision was causing, Sh’Lyra smiled at her slave as Aurora stood up. From her superior height, Sh’Lyra smiled down at the top of her slave’s head. The feeling of Aurora’s breasts pressing against the undersides of her own large mounds was very pleasurable. And it was so nice to struggle with her now that she had regained some spirit! Now that she could be broken all over again!

Knowing she was still in full control, she allowed Aurora to bend her arms back until her elbows were almost touching. With her slave’s face now pressed against the tops of her large breasts she decided that this was enough false hope for her plaything to enjoy for the moment. Slowly she began to flex her arms to their full strength, pumping energy from inside the limitless depths of her full breasts.

On the verge of triumph, Aurora suddenly felt Sh’Lyra stop giving way! She watched with amazement and horror as huge muscles slowly grew before her eyes and her own insuperable arms were forced back against her will! She gritted her teeth and strained to hold Sh’Lyra back. To her shock, and shamefully to her great admiration, she seemed helpless to prevent Sh’Lyra from overpowering her.

Sh’Lyra felt an adrenaline rush as never before, she was overpowering a Velorian Protector with just her raw strength! Sh’Lyra had always known she was strong, certainly stronger than anyone she had ever met, but still she found it thrilling to overpower such a mighty woman!

Indeed, just moments ago she had defeated two Velorians at the same time! She decided to toy with Aurora a bit more before totally overwhelming her. She relaxed her arms slightly so that Aurora was again slowly pushing her arms back. And just as Aurora’s face began to light again with grim confidence, and her own elbows were almost touching, she again brought her superior strength into play. Slowly she forced her own arms forward until the Velorian92's arms were now forced behind her back. She then bent Aurora over backwards until her straining face was glaring up at her in total frustration. Smiling playfully, Sh’Lyra kissed her possessively as the helpless young supergirl struggled wildly in her arms.

As she was kissed, Aurora became wild with fear and dread. It was one thing to have occasional fantasies about an overpowering woman who would make her a slave, but it was another thing entirely to have such a dream come true. What was worse, she felt her body responding to this powerful woman. Suddenly she felt Sh’Lyra’s grip on her right wrist weakening just a little. Aurora desperately broke her hold and swung with all her might at Sh’Lyra’s face.

The little slut is all but defeated,” Sh’Lyra thought. It was obvious that Aurora knew nothing about fighting. Sh’Lyra knew hundreds of martial arts moves to end this fight immediately, but she wanted to savor her victory. Easily batting Aurora’s wildly swinging fist to one side, she quickly twisted Aurora around so her back was to her. Holding her still by twisting her arm and bearing down on just the right nerves to send Aurora into agony for a moment, Sh’Lyra then playfully spanked Aurora across her beautiful bottom. Her light tap would have barely been hard enough to dent Vendorian steel, yet the effect on Aurora was devastating.

Aurora’s eyes flew open wide with shock at the realization that despite her best efforts Sh’Lyra was simply playing with her! Desperate to break free, Aurora struggled with all of her previously unconquerable might!

Yet Sh’Lyra simply intertwined her long legs around Aurora’s, holding Aurora firmly in place. She then proceeded to spank Aurora in earnest, harder and harder! Aurora bucked and squirmed but nothing she could do seemed to be able to save her from the relentless hand of Sh’Lyra. The blows became faster and harder. Each blow seemed to leave a fiery hand print on her bottom. Waves of humiliation swept over her, and then to her absolute horror, she felt her body beginning to actually RESPOND to this treatment! Each blow caused pain and pleasure to mingle indistinguishably within her. Her nipples grew to almost two inches long and half as thick, becoming harder as they tingled wildly!

Sh’Lyra suddenly stopped and traced her fingers over her slave’s red bottom, her gentle touch contrasting with the violent spanking she had just landed on those same rounded buttocks. Smiling, she watched Aurora squirming under her touch.

Sh’Lyra reached over and grasped Aurora’s other arm. She slowly overpowered Aurora, forcing her arms behind her back once again. Sh’Lyra’s long legs were now wrapped around Aurora’s legs, holding her tightly into place. Aurora gasped as muscles mightier than her own slowly bent her arms until her wrists were touching together behind her back. She gasped in pain as Sh’Lyra suddenly grabbed her long hair close to her head, pulling her head back to expose her throat. Aurora’s back was now arched like a longbow, her large breasts thrust out before her.

Sh’Lyra then used Aurora’s own unbreakable lengths of blond hair to tie her arms securely behind her back, Aurora feeling wildly exciting thoughts in her mind! “My Mistress, oh, my Mistress??!” Startled, she had no idea where such thoughts were coming from! Yet her next thoughts stunned her, her body tingling in earnest! “Ooooh noooo! Why is my body responding to her?”

Sh’Lyra grasped one large breast and nipple, holding her in place. With her other hand she reached between Aurora’s legs and parted her sweet labial lips. Smiling all the while, she drove three fingers into her slave and used her thumb to play with her clit until the helpless woman shuddered uncontrollably, suddenly surging into in a powerful orgasm.

Shuddering violently, Aurora was helpless to resist as Sh’Lyra slowly bent her over backwards, bending her flexible body in half, tying Aurora’s ankles and her wrists together with her own silky blond hair.

Holding Aurora by one breast, Sh’Lyra flew over and scooped up Diana’s metal clad form under her other arm. Very pleased with herself, with such an easy recovery of her prize slave and the acquisition of a very promising new one, Sh’Lyra flexed her thighs and buttocks and flew back towards her rapidly retreating ship.


Bent backward into such a painful position, exhausted from her struggle and weakened by the surprising emotions of desire she had felt during her humiliation and punishment, Aurora tried to sort out her feelings for this powerful woman. The feel of Sh’Lyra’s mighty arms surrounding her had created a storm of conflicting thoughts and emotions, causing confusion and turmoil to swirl within her. Part of her mind still wanted desperately to fight back, while another part had responded with great pleasure as Sh’Lyra had slowly overpowered her. Aurora could not begin to explain, even to herself, why the need to be controlled so filled her with desire, lust, and with even love for this powerful woman.

Aurora blushed at the thought of how she must now look and how easily Sh’Lyra had captured her. She felt totally helpless, and even a little afraid, yet also so very sexy and aroused. What scared her even more was that a large part of her did not wish to escape this woman! Old dreams and fantasies surfaced unbidden to tantalize and frighten her. Her thoughts of being a sexual slave to this woman were at once repugnant and irresistible! Shivering with fear and need, Aurora found herself returning to thinking of Sh’Lyra only as her “Mistress.”

Suddenly panicking as that strange term filled her mind, she wiggled and strained at her bonds, even though she knew she was truly captured. Aurora suddenly was shocked to discover that just thinking about Sh’Lyra made her already steel hard nipples tingle with wild passion! Extreme sexual need burned though her body at the woman’s every touch! Desperate to distract herself, to think about something else, anything else, she looked inside the metal encasing the black-haired woman. Aurora could see that she was awake and struggling to escape. No, Aurora corrected herself, she was not struggling, she was shivering with cold!

Aurora, grateful for something else to concentrate on besides Sh’Lyra’s potent advances and to distract herself from her own bewildering reflections, gently played her heat vision over the metal. Aurora was very careful not to overheat the kind woman. Who she might be was still a mystery to her, but it was obvious that she was a fellow captive and that she needed her help.


Dazed and cold, Diana shook her head. She felt her strength ebb as her body seemed to curl in on itself while attempting to shrink away from the unavoidable contact with the steel walls that confined her so claustrophobically. She was freezing, the steel approaching the near absolute zero of space, and she was barely able to breathe the small portion of stale air that was available to her. She was still not quite sure what had happened, the last thing she remembered was being stunned by an explosion, then being picked up and slammed into a wall. She thought “The explosion must have sealed me into this thing, whatever it is.” She knew that she was weightless, yet she could not move her arms, and they were pressed tightly behind her back.

Breaking out into a cold sweat, Diana decided that she preferred to risk a quick death from asphyxiation rather than remain in here another second! Confident that she was strong enough to free herself from whatever had encased her, she flexed her Amazonian muscles. Straining her arms and legs to their utmost, she felt the panic building within her as the metal enclosing her refused to yield! Never before had a manmade steel failed to yield to the unrelenting steel that lived beneath her own soft skin!

Cold unrelenting fear and panic now set in as she shouted and then screamed for Laura or Kara, for even the Goddess Hera to help her. As panic clawed at Diana’s guts like a wild animal, she told herself over and over that she was a Princess of the Amazons and the mistress of her own emotions! But deep inside she relived over and over that terrible time when she was ten years old and a landslide had buried her for over two hours. “Cold, so cold, so this is how I am going to die!” Diana thought sadly. She had always hoped that when her time came she would die in battle, not quietly, not helplessly and not so alone as this. Her spirits sank further and further into a deep black depression while she shivered uncontrollably.

Suddenly hope flared within her as she felt her tomb warming up, even to the point where she was no longer shivering. Diana was helpless to stop the tears, “I am not alone!” she thought. Irrationally, she was positive that Kara, or Laura, was saving her.


Sh’Lyra, holding Aurora and Diana tightly, entered her ship’s main airlock. When the artificial gravity took hold, she rotated in midair until she could float gently to the floor. As soon as the outer door closed behind her she released Diana’s rude cylinder, letting it fall to the deck with a clang. Clasping her free hand across Aurora’s eyes, listening to the air as it hissed into the lock, she bent close to Aurora’s ear and whispered, “My darling Fairchild. We are home again!”

Sharon Best
Aurora Universe, Copyright 1995,1996,1997
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(Aurora Universe materials are strictly for Mature Readers over 18 years of age!)

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