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Aurora Episode 16


(Last Revision: 8/19/95)

by Sharon Best

(This is the conclusion of the three chapters about the alien woman named Sil.)


Sil bored her way deeply into the ice and underlying rock as she tried to find a place where she could hide for a while. She gasped loudly several times as she felt the Velorian man trying to free himself from his tight imprisonment. Each motion of his body sent waves of tingling warmth through her body as it reminded Sil of the mating she had done earlier with this man.

Her body ripped apart the ice and rock until she was nearly a quarter of a mile beneath the surface of the glacier. She hollowed out a cave big enough to turn around in as her keen eyes immediately saw those two women following her down the tunnel she had made.

Kara couldn’t believe what she was seeing as she saw Sil’s body glowing brightly enough to light it up. The friction of her smashing through the hard rock had heated parts of her body to nearly white-hot incandescence. She was astounded as she saw how her body looked like a blend of her own body and David’s! Sil’s face and hair looked like her own but the size and definition of her muscles was clearly from David’s genes. Her waist and lower abdomen were clearly a monstrous version of her own but Sil’s chest looked like David’s with a massive parody of her own breasts growing from them. Her breasts were easily five feet in diameter and were shaped exactly like her own. However, the underlying muscles clearly looked like those of a massive male bodybuilder. Her legs were long and tapered like her own, but her quads were vastly larger, even in proportion to the rest of her frame, as they were also clearly from David’s genes.

Sil stared back at the two tiny women as they hovered in mid-air at the entrance to the cave. She was infuriated by her inability to escape these women as she bellowed at them as she let her frustration run wild. Her eyes began to burn as she suddenly released an immense blast of energy from her huge foot-wide eyes.

Kara and Fair saw the intense red beams coming at them, but had nowhere to go to get away. They felt their bodies, and much of the surrounding ice and rock, exploding outward as the immense energy of Sil’s body was released. Hundreds of tons of ice was instantly transformed into raw steam as it exploded upward toward the surface. They were swept along by the huge explosion like a piece of straw in a hurricane.

An observer on the surface would have thought than a volcano had just erupted under the glacier! Millions of tons of ice exploded upward from the force of the escaping steam. Thick slabs of ice, some more than a thousand feet thick, were bent upwards into the air before crashing back down with earth shattering force.

Kara and Fair were momentarily blinded as their bodies were thrown back down the tunnel at many hundreds of miles per hour. The surprise blow caught them off-guard as they were blown nearly back to the surface before they could regain control of their own bodies. They were just getting their bearings when the millions of tons of ice crashed back down on them to smash them into the hard bedrock below the glacier. They both shrugged off the immense blow as they started to burrow back upward through the uncounted tons of ice.

Fair finally was free as she streaked back down the remains of the tunnel as she accelerated for all she was worth. She placed her fists in front of her as she aimed her body toward Sil’s massive chest. Within seconds, she was traveling at more than two thousand miles per hour as she approached Sil. Suddenly, Sil’s giant fist appeared in front of her as she punched outward to meet Fair’s Mach 3 approach with her harder-than-steel knuckles backed by her immense muscles. The blow crumpled up Fair’s body as the incredible impact threw her backward and through the walls of the tunnel to imbed her deeply into the hard ice of the glacier.

Kara was right behind her as she gracefully dodged Sil’s massive fist and managed to smash her body into the side of Sil’s face. Kara’s arms collapsed under the impact as her entire body impacted against Sil’s head. The impact knocked Sil’s massive head to the side until it smashed into the rock walls of the cavern. Parts of the ceiling detached and began to fall on them as the powerful impact of Kara’s body rang through the base of the whole mountain.

Sil reached up quickly with her other hand as she surrounded Kara’s body with it. Her massive muscles flexed unbelievably large as she tried to crush the young woman’s body in her grip.

Kara gasped as Sil’s grip felt like it was crushing her body. She had never felt such forces squeezing her as the pain was almost more than she could bear. She flexed every muscle in her body as she turned all that energy into flying power. She felt Sil trying to hold her back as she caught a glimpse of her six foot tall peaked bicep flexing. The full force of Kara’s flying power suddenly began to pull Sil off balance as she let go of Kara so she could get her feet back under her. The sudden release caused Kara to accelerate so strongly that she smashed upward through nearly two thousand feet of ice to blast back into the bright crisp arctic air. She tumbled upward end over end into the bright blue sky before she got her bearings and could fly properly again.

David, meanwhile, was using all of his own strength and flying power to try and escape her musky prison. However, no matter what he did, he couldn’t overcome the strength of her incredible pelvic and vaginal muscles. He suddenly had the idea that instead of trying to escape, he would try and make her lose her concentration. He assumed that the combination of his genetic structure and the fact that Sil had modeled her body after Kara would mean that she had perhaps inherited the incredible libido of a Velorian woman. He spread his arms and legs as far out from his body as he could as they pressed into the soft folds of her vagina until the surrounding steel bands of her muscles stopped him. He began to use his flying power to move himself up and down the length of her massive vagina as he turned his body into a huge dildo.

He felt the gush of liquids flowing over him as Sil’s body began responding to the rough stimulation he was providing. He moved his body faster and faster as he felt an increase in the rhythmic contractions of the muscles surrounding him. He began to search upward for where he guessed her G-spot was, at least where he had learned Fairchild’s was. He grinned as he realized that he had never tried to find it this way before and was not at all sure that he was in the right area. He experimented as he moved his body faster and harder against her until he felt a wild series of contractions that crushed painfully in against him. He knew he was now in the right spot if he could only survive her powerful contractions!

Kara flew back to the surface as she held her left arm against her stomach. She was sure the impact against Sil’s jawbone had broken her arm as the sharp pain radiated upward through her shoulder. She raised her right arm above her head as her fist smashed back into the hard blue ice as she tunneled her way back down to the cavern deep below the glacier.

Aurora, meanwhile, had gotten her bearings back as she tunneled through the rock to approach Sil from another angle. She suddenly burst into the cavern behind Sil as she flew up to begin landing her fists against the back of Sil’s head. Each blow transmitted hundreds of thousands of pounds of force into Sil’s skull as Aurora threw the entire strength of her super muscles into each blow. Sil’s head was smashed forward as blow after blow rained down on her. Her legs began to buckle as Aurora saw that she was finally having some effect on her.

At the same time, Kara burst from the wall on the other side of the cavern as she twisted her body so that her right shoulder would impact against Sil. She threw all the strength and flying power she had into the blow as she heard a loud crunch as she crashed into Sil’s chin. The giants head was thrown backward by the millions of pounds of force that Kara’s body transferred to her.

Sil was infuriated as she felt these tiny creatures pummeling her like this. This was all accompanied by the incredible sensations that were coming from between her legs as that man moved inside her in a way that she had never imagined! Her legs were trembling as she felt a warm liquid running down her thighs as even her breasts began burning with pleasure. She reached up to surround her massive breasts with her hands as she squeezed them with millions of pounds of pressure. Her fingers closed around her foot long nipples as she cried out in pleasure. She lifted her breasts up high on her chest as she stroked her fingers faster and faster over her huge nipples. The pummeling of these women as they smashed into her head was merely a distraction as she tried to concentrate on the incredible pleasures that were coursing through her body.

The blow to her chin threw her head back and put stars in front of her eyes as she grew suddenly outraged at being distracted like this. Her right hand shot out so fast that she was able to catch the younger of the blond women; she squeezed her hand around her. She suddenly realized that she really just wanted to hold herself again as the ecstasy coming from between her legs was suddenly increased as the man found exactly the right spot. She gasped so loudly that rocks were blown from the sides of the cavern as she stuffed the woman into the cleavage between her huge breasts. She then resumed fondling both her nipples again as she used all the power of her massive chest muscles to squeeze her breasts together.

Kara suddenly found herself trapped deeply in the cleavage between the giantess’s huge tits as the soft flesh completely surrounded her. She was in a crooked position with her right bent outward as she felt an incredible pressure against her body. She knew that Sil was squeezing herself together with all her strength as she felt her leg bending painfully as it stuck deeply into the flesh of Sil’s right breast. She tried to free it as the pressure increased but was unable to. A sudden burst of pain traveled up her leg and caused her to scream as she felt, and heard, her leg snap under the immense pressure. The pain spasm’d through her body as she finally succeeded in blasting herself upward as she blew Sil’s massive tits apart long enough to escape the deadly softness of them. She flew back down the tunnel as her body was wracked with pain from her broken arm and leg.

She turned as she saw Sil’s body trembling as she crashed down to her knees. It was clear to Kara that she was in the throws of some incredible orgasm as she arched herself backward and cried out so loudly that part of the cavern collapsed around her. She saw Aurora flashing downward as she dove between the lips of Sil’s labia as Kara suddenly knew where David was! She gasped as she also saw Sil reach down to spread herself open with her massive fingers as Aurora reappeared holding David in her arms. Suddenly, Sil’s other massive fist crashed down as the two of them as the powerful blow separated them. Sil reached down to grab David in both hands as the massive muscles of her giant forearms began to flex. Kara suddenly had a desperate idea as she flew back down the tunnel to get some running room.

Aurora flew back upward to try and help free David, but she might as well have been a flea trying to move a dog as her strength was clearly inadequate to loosen Sil’s grip on David. She saw him silently pleading with her as she knew that Sil’s grip was hurting him badly.

Kara flew out of the tunnel and then more than fifty miles out over the ocean. She turned around as she took a deep breath as she began to accelerate back toward the glacier with her full strength. The pain from her broken limbs was nearly blinding her, but she flexed every muscle on her body as she accelerated faster than she ever had before. She was quickly moving at 1000, 2000, 3000 miles per hour. She continued to accelerate as she quickly passed 10,000 and more. She was soon traveling ten times as fast as the fastest bullet as her body became a harder-than-steel projectile. She wasn’t sure she could survive the impact with Sil’s body, but she knew of no other way to try to stop her. Her senses were speeded up incredibly as the opening of the tunnel flashed by her as she traveled down the length of it in a in a tiny fraction of a second. She aimed herself right at Sil’s chest as she closed her eyes and threw everything she had into accelerating her body.

Kara was moving at more than 30,000 miles per hour when her head impacted against Sil’s left breast. Her breast dimpled inward for nearly six feet until Kara’s steely body impacted against Sil’s underlying chest muscles. Fortunately for Kara, Sil’s muscles were relaxed at the instant she hit her as she felt her body boring through Sil’s several foot thick pectoral muscles. She was also fortunate in that she barely missed hitting one of Sil’s ribs as she penetrated her chest cavity. Her velocity was mostly spend as her body smashed through Sil’s steel muscles except that Kara was still trying to accelerate. If she had merely been a bullet, she would not have seriously injured Sil. However, the fact that she was a powered projectile made all the difference as she suddenly broke free of the outer wall of Sil’s chest while flying straight toward her heart. Kara smashed into the rock-hard muscles of Sil’s heart as she felt the muscles bending inward under the force of her body. She screamed with pain as she felt more bones in her own body breaking as she finally penetrated the walls of Sil’s massive pulsing organ.

Meanwhile, Sil was trying to tear David’s body apart with her bare hands but was finding that he was still too strong for her to do that. She tensed herself as she put one last burst of strength into her hands just as there was an incredible blow against her chest. A massive surge of pain rushed from deep inside her as her muscles surged with more strength than she had ever been capable of before. She felt the man’s body crushing and tearing as the incredible spasms of her muscles caused her hands to twist in different directions.

She suddenly let go of the crushed body of the man as she crossed her wrists and held them to her chest. She saw blood spurting from her body as her vision began to grow dim. Her legs were suddenly too weak to support her as a dark curtain came down over her. She knew she was dying as the mortal wound spurted her life blood on the ground. She suddenly felt a sense of loss as she knew now that her babies would not be born on this world. She knew, however, that while her life might be lost, her people knew where this planet was now. There would be others.

Aurora reached out to grab David’s body as Sil suddenly released him. She screamed in rage as she saw that his chest was crushed and that his body was twisted nearly in half! She saw his mouth working soundlessly as she held his crushed body to her own as she cradled his head against her chest. She leaned down to place her ear next to his mouth as she heard him whispering to her.

“I’m sorry Fair, she was just too strong for me. Did we stop her?”

Aurora looked up as the ground shook beneath her as Sil’s body collapsed and lay motionless in a corner of the cavern. She saw the wound in her chest as she suddenly knew what Kara had done and saw that Sil was indeed finished.

“Yes, David, we won.”

“Oh, Fair, thank God. Fair, Fair, I’ve always wanted to tell you something, but I never could,” he choked as he tried to talk. Aurora felt the last of his strength ebbing from his body as he lay limply against her chest. She felt his heart fluttering as its last frantic beats shook his body. “I, I love....” His head suddenly fell back against her arms as she felt his fluttering heart suddenly stilled. She cried out as she threw herself over him as she hugged him to herself.

Aurora leaned down over him to cover him with her own hair as her tears ran over his face as well. Her body was still wracked by her sobs as Kara finally climbed from Sil’s silent body and flew painfully over to land beside her. She leaned down to surround Fair with her good arm as they hugged each other while sitting on the cold floor of the suddenly quiet cavern.

Sharon Best
Aurora Universe, Copyright 1995,1996,1997
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(Aurora Universe materials are strictly for Mature Readers over 18 years of age!)

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