See File

Aurora Episode 15


(Last Revision: 8/19/95)

by Sharon Best

(This story is partially a takeoff on the MGM movie SPECIES. I have diverged greatly from the movie as I have tried in incorporate some events at the end of the story that have been requested by readers for some time.)

Greg’s House

Chris walked back out to the hottub as his stomach grew queasy when he saw the scene in front of him again. Blood and gray matter were spattered in a narrow cone pattern on the cement where something had punched through the man’s head. At least he died quickly, he thought.

Kara joined him as he turned to watch her expression. He saw the effect the scene was having on her, so he took her elbow as he steered her back into the house to the family room. He poured her a tall glass of Scotch and watched as she took it with trembling fingers. The same thing happened when Laura had died so horribly; after the adrenaline wore off, she fell to pieces.

"All the victims were men," Chris started talking, hoping to get Kara's mind engaged again with the immediate problem. "The science team has been looking at her DNA since she was born, and they are convinced that the alien DNA is dominant in her body and will slowly mutate all of Sil's human structure to it's own pattern. She has only a limited time before she will lose her human form completely."

Kara nodded her head. "Yes."

"And what is the most basic need of any life?" Chris asks rhetorically.

"Food, shelter."

"Survival." Chris says. "Survival of self, survival of species. She's the only one of her kind and her DNA is compatible with ours. She's trying to reproduce. When they fertilized that initial egg with the alien DNA, it completely changed the resulting genetics of the cell. We are convinced that she can become pregnant with a Terran man, at least until the alien DNA completes the transformation of her body. After that, it is unlikely she can mate. We don’t think she has much time."

Kara downed her drink before setting the glass back on the bar as she turned to look at Chris. “We’ve got to look for her. We know what the victim’s car looked like, it was a black Mercedes, lets see if we can find her ourselves.”

They walked outside as Kara put her arm around Chris. She flexed her gorgeous calves as she launched them into the air. They had to find Sil before she found her next victim. Even more importantly, before she succeeded in mating.

They flew down toward the brightly lit valley below as Kara’s keen eyes searched for the man’s Mercedes. Her eyes were able to see well enough in the dark that she could see hundreds of cars on the roads below her at any one time. She searched for a few minutes before she found that this wasn’t going to work like she had thought. She had never noticed how many of the cars in this part of LA actually were made by Mercedes! She flew rapidly along at about a thousand feet above the terrain as she tried to look inside each matching car that she saw.

“Damn,”, she shouted to Chris over the wind, “half the cars in this city must be Mercedes. I’ve checked out several dozen already and haven’t seen any sign of her. We’re going to have to get really lucky to find her this way.”

“I wish I could help, but all I see below are lights,” Chris said. He couldn’t make out any cars at all, just a maze made up of thousands of lights.

Kara spent the next half hour becoming more and more frustrated until it became clear that they weren’t going to find Sil this way. She finally turned and headed back to the hotel to land in the alley beside it. Chris kept his arm around her waist as they walked back into the lobby together and then down to the conference room they were using as an operations center.

“Any sign of them,” she growled as she angrily flopped into one of the chairs.

“Nope, “ the technician answered. “The team is heading back now from the house. One thing though, they tested the hot tub and found no sign that they had sex. I think our girl is still looking for the right mate. I don’t think this guy had it in him, so to speak.”

Chris looked at Kara as he shrugged. “Well, there will always be a tomorrow. One thing I think we are seeing... she seems very selective of who she actually mates with. That may help us buy some time. I just feel sorry for the guys she rejects along the way.”

* * *

As Kara and Chris had flown off down the valley, Sil had been watching the house to see how these Terrans operated. She had stopped the car in the shadows just up the street as her predator instincts told her to stay close to her kill. Her keen eyes took in all the details back at the well-lighted front of the house. She had been shocked when she saw a young woman walk into the front yard before flying off with a man that was with her. A woman who could fly! The concept was startling and threatening to Sil as she realized she was no match for that. She had felt an incredible tightness in her stomach as she also realized who that woman was. It was the woman named Kara whose picture she had used to model her own appearance back on the train. What was she doing here!

Sil knew that she could not afford to be the hunted, she must become the hunter, especially now. She had no idea how effective these humans would be in finding her, but she doubted that their instincts as predators were very good. They were weak and disorganized and liked to travel in groups, all crowded together. It was just like the images she had seen on the TV of cattle or sheep. They were no threat to her. But this woman was different. What was the other name they called her on TV.. SuperGirl. If she interpreted the meaning of the name correctly, she was going to be a real threat. The flying was especially bothersome to Sil as it gave the woman a huge advantage over herself.

After this SuperGirl had disappeared into the night, fortunately going the other way, Sil had continued to watch the house. Eventually, the rest of the men came out before getting in their cars and driving away. She had felt some stirrings inside her as she watched several of the taller men walking around. She really needed to mate and soon. Her body was driving her to it.

Sil followed the men as they drove back down into the valley. She once again parked in a dark shadow along one side of the street as she saw them drive underneath a building she knew was a hotel. Her keen eyes saw them a few minutes later as they walked into the lobby and down a long hall.

She stepped out of the car as she walked across the street toward the hotel. As she passed an open alley, she heard a low moan coming from the shadows. She stopped for a moment as she focused her keen eyes on a man and a woman who were standing in the shadows. The woman was kneeling in front of the man as she took his sex organ into her mouth. The man was moaning softly as he was obviously enjoying what she was doing.

After a few minutes, Sil saw her stand up as the man helped lift her up until her legs were surrounding his body. She saw that he now inserted his organ inside her as they both now began moaning the same way. Sil’s body began to feel a little funny as she watched them. Her nipples felt like they were tingling a bit as she felt a slight twinge between her legs.

She had seen nothing about this on the TV, but it was now clear to her that this was how these Terrans reproduced. She was very curious as she took a step toward them before she noticed a strange effect. There was a very soft green glow around both of their bodies. She stopped in her tracks as her instincts told her what that meant. Disease! They were not good for prey, and especially not for mating, as their meat was diseased. She suddenly felt a little sick to her stomach as she turned and headed back toward the front door of the hotel.

Sil walked into the lobby as the bright lights caused her to stop and look around for a moment. She paused just long enough for her eyes to adjust before walking toward the long hallway in the back. She saw a number of people, mainly men, staring at her as she walked through the lobby. Their eyes followed her movements as they looked up and down her body. This is good, she thought. There was nothing better than hiding in plain sight like this. They would just think she was an ordinary woman. She did notice, however, that they were looking at her more than the other women. She smiled for a moment as she again reflected on how well she had chosen the appearance she had copied from that woman on the TV.

Her sensitive ears began to pick up the sounds of some men talking as she approached a room near the end of the long hall. The door was marked private and appeared to be locked when she carefully tested the handle. She quickly walked to the next door as she held the door handle firmly. It was also locked, but the lock didn’t appear to be very strong. She gripped her hand until she felt the metal handle bending under the pressure. A quick twist of her wrist broke the brass handle off with only a soft ‘click’.

She carefully entered the dark room as her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. She walked over to sit on the floor with her ear against the wall adjoining the room she had heard the voices from. She could now clearly hear the people in the next room. As she had suspected, they were talking about her. It didn’t take her long to realize that these were the ‘hunters’ who were looking for her. She almost laughed as she heard their plans and speculations about what she might be doing now or where she was. These fools had no idea that she was only inches away on the other side of this thin wall. Part of her wanted to just tear through it now and kill them all.

She reached up to put her hand over her upper arm as she made a fist and flexed her slim arm. She was once again impressed as she felt a large hard muscle rise up to fill her hand. She marveled at how strong this body was.

It would be ridiculously easy to tear these soft creatures apart with these strong muscles. She debated this back and forth for a while before she suddenly decided to act; she had to rid herself of these men. She gathered her legs beneath her as she started to stand up so that she could tear the wall apart. Her outstretched fingers were just beginning to press against the wall when she suddenly heard that woman’s voice again! She froze in place as she put her ear back to the wall. Damn... that girl was back.

Sil listened to SuperGirl’s angry description of how she had searched in vain for her car. So, Sil thought to herself, she wasn’t really much of a hunter either. She clearly didn’t have the patience of the true predator. Sil smiled to herself again as she realized that it had never occurred to any of them that they were no longer the hunters, they were now the hunted!

The problem was, she didn’t have a lot of time to deal with them. This human form of hers would only last for a few more days before the creature inside of her would have to emerge. It would then be too late to mate as she would no longer be able to attract a man nor would he be able to mate with her alien organs. She grinned as she now had a fairly good idea how she would really look once she had gotten rid of this human form. She remembered the beautiful tentacles that had emerged from her first body, back on the train, as she had emerged to cocoon herself there. She couldn’t wait to shed this strange ugly body she now had so that her own beautiful form could finally be revealed.

She was thinking about how to get these people off her tracks when she heard a key trying to turn in the mangled lock of the conference room door. It was only a moment later when she saw the door opening as a shaft of light fell into the room. She saw a man, wearing a uniform, as he was outlined in the bright light of the doorway.

She quickly began walking along the wall, staying in the shadows, until she was very close to him. He was shining a light around the room as she moved silently in the shadows until she was standing right behind him. She was watching him intently as her foot accidentally brushed the side of a chair. The chair made a slight scraping sound as it moved!

The guard heard the noise behind him as he spun around while pulling his gun from its holster. He was shocked to see a tall beautiful blond walking toward him. He shined his flashlight on her as he saw her bright green eyes and white teeth as she smiled warmly at him. She swayed her hips slightly as her arms were relaxed at her sides as she approached him.

Sil had learned that moving this way while she smiled at a man would usually make him stop moving. This man was more wary, however, than the others she had met. Her keen ears could hear his heart beating faster and faster as she got closer.

“Hold it, right there!” the man said. She paused about five feet from him as she saw that he wasn’t going to let her get any closer.

Sil suddenly remembered a scene from the TV where a woman had asked for help after a man had tried to hurt her. “You need to help me,“ Sil said in a soft and slightly frightened voice. “A man tried to force me into his room a few minutes ago. I thought I could hide here until he left. Can you help me call the police?”

The guard looked at her warily for a moment. He had just come on duty and had been asked to check out the surrounding rooms before the briefing started. He knew they were looking for some kind of alien creature, as fantastic as that sounded. But this lovely young woman certainly wasn’t any kind of alien! She was just a young frightened woman who had obviously had a bad experience that night.

“It’s OK now, Miss, everything is under control. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

He saw a smile lighting up her face as she began walking toward him again. He lowered his gun as he turned to the side to switch on the lights. As he was turning back to face her, he felt her soft hands sliding over the hand that he was holding his gun in. He was startled for a moment as he tried to move his hand away. Her soft hand suddenly held his with crushing pressure as he felt waves of pain radiating up his arm. Her other hand clamped over his mouth as he tried to scream! He clearly heard and felt the bones in his hand crushing and pulverizing under her steely grip. My God, what was she doing? How could she have the strength to do this?

His other hand came up to try to pull her arm free from his mouth, but her arm felt like it was made of steel. He couldn’t begin to budge it. He was trying to scream from the pain in his hand, but only a muffled groan came from his throat. The incredible searing pain was getting stronger as he felt his wrist being powerfully twisted backwards as all his tendons and muscles were slowly ripped apart. Her hand finally released his wrist as he felt her reaching up behind him. He suddenly felt himself being pressed very firmly against her chest. She seemed impossibly firm to him for a moment as he felt her breasts pushing almost painfully against his chest. He felt her free hand finally reaching up to hold the back of his head as her other hand stayed clamped over his mouth. His eyes grew wide as he felt how strongly she was gripping him. He struggled against her overwhelming strength as he saw that she still had a faint smile on her lips as his own frightened eyes looked into hers. His own reflection in her eyes was the last thing he saw as he felt a sudden twisting and snap in his neck before everything went black.

Sil relaxed her grip on the man’s horribly twisted neck as she dropped his body to the floor. She again was amazed that these creatures were so easy to kill. She simply held them in her hands as she twisted them. Their bodies almost immediately tore apart or crushed in her hands. She reached down to pick up his gun as she put it in her purse. This weapon was something she would need to learn about; she had seen a lot of them on the TV and knew that they were very dangerous.

She slipped out the door as she walked confidently back out of the hotel. She got in her car and drove a few blocks down the street to a much smaller hotel. She went in and used the train conductor’s credit card again to get a room. She finally collapsed on the bed as she felt an incredible tiredness come over her. She knew she was expending energy at too high a rate to sustain her body like this for more than another couple of days.

It was more than an hour before the dead guard was found in the adjoining conference room. It was immediately clear that a very strong person had twisted his head around until his vertebrae had snapped apart. The forensics team examined him briefly as they focused on determining how much strength it would have taken to twist his head around backwards like that. It was soon clear that an ordinary man could not have done this. If it was this Sil creature who killed this man, then she clearly had far greater than human strength. His crushed arm was additional mute testimony to the fact that Sil was indeed very powerful.

The remainder of the guards were immediately assembled together as they were briefed on what Sil looked like and how to deal with her. They showed the video from the ATM and distributed a group of photos of Sil to the team. Everyone was warned to be cautious and shoot first if they were sure they were confronted by her. Their only goal was to destroy her before she could bear any offspring.

* * *

It was nearly midnight when Kara decided to go back downstairs to see if any new leads had come up. She hadn’t been able to sleep as she thought about what would happen if Sil were able to have any offspring here. She had been troubled about a dream about a male version of Sil that could spread its alien genetics through the population. She had seen how effective Sil’s alien DNA was in taking control of the overall genetics of the host’s cells and had no illusions about how fertile the sperm of a male version of this creature would be!

She thought back on her own synthetic genetics and wondered if this alien was from a culture that had mastered genetics as hers had. Was this creature their normal form or was it some kind of biological weapon aimed at the Earth? Was this any part of the Arion and Kintzi invasion or was this entirely different?

She guessed, based on the way it had come in from the SETI program, that this was a completely different assault. She shrugged her shoulders as she walked across the room to pull some clothes on. It didn’t matter, the alien had to be stopped regardless. Kara took the elevator down as she headed back toward the conference room they were using as an Operations Center.

Kara got out of the elevator and walked around the corner as she saw one of the guards standing in front of her. He had clearly been warned to be alert for intruders as he was holding his weapon at the ready. She smiled warmly to reassure him as she walked calmly down the hall. She saw his eyes grow wide as he raised his gun and pointed it at her chest as he shouted for her to stop. She paused for a moment as she saw the man’s hand wavering a bit. He clearly didn’t have much experience at this.

“Please, don’t point that at me,” she said softly to him. “It might go off and hurt someone.”

“Stay right where you are,” he shouted nervously. My God, he thought, this was the creature he had been told about. He glanced down at the photo on the table as he saw a strong resemblance. It had to be her! He reached quickly for the radio as he thumbed the button. “This is station five. The alien is here. I need help right now!”

Kara listened to his frantic call as she started to walk forward again. “You are partially right about the alien thing. But I’m not like Sil if that’s what you are worried about. Trust me, I won’t hurt you, I’m Kara and I...” BLAM. The guard suddenly fired his rifle at point blank range into the center of her chest!

The impact was sufficient to force all the air out of her lungs as she made a loud ‘hwoof’ sound. She stopped in mid-stride as she looked down to see a ragged tear in her top. She looked back at the man as she fingered the torn hole in her blouse. “Oww,” she said softly as she smiled coyly at him from under her tousled hair. She stepped back toward him as she reached out to take the gun from him before he actually hurt someone with it.

The guard was terrified now as he was convinced that this was the alien. My God he thought, that bullet had bounced right off her and she was coming for him! He flipped the lever on his M16 to full automatic as he pulled the trigger. The gun roared and bucked in his hands as more than 30 of the steel-jacketed rounds cycled through it. He saw bits of debris flying everywhere from the front of the alien’s body as she was blasted backward and off her feet.

Kara stumbled backwards until she was slammed up against the wall by the force of the impacts. Her eyes rolled upward as she slumped to the floor and lay still.

The guard watched her for a moment as he quickly reloaded his weapon before struggling to get out his radio. “I’ve got her, I’ve got her,” he shouted. “I’m on level five near the elevator. I need some help; I got her!”

Kara hadn’t thought he would actually fire like that and wasn’t prepared for the incredible force of the impacts all across her body. She was momentarily stunned as she slumped to the floor while waiting for her head to clear. She finally began pulling her legs under herself as she began to stand back up. She looked down to see that the entire front of her blouse was ripped open. It was torn open from her neck down to her waist with only a few fragments of fabric clinging to her shoulders.

The guard was terrified as he saw the creature still moving. My God, she was trying to stand up again. He aimed and fired his rifle on full automatic once again! The smoke and fire from his rifle lit up the hallway as he saw her body twitching and bouncing around under the impacts. He finally heard the bolt click against an empty chamber as his rifle finally ran out of bullets. He lowered it to his side as he picked up his radio and called even more frantically for help.

Kara was knocked senseless by the force of the bullets hitting her. Each impact stung a little as her body was thrown up against the wall. She found herself crumpled into a ball as she had tried to protect herself from the worst of the impacts. The stinging impacts ran down her back and across her buttocks. She flinched strongly as some found their way between the back of her thighs.

Once the shooting stopped, she flicked her hair from her face as she looked back at the guard as he called frantically on his radio. She slowly stood up as she began to walk back toward him. She looked down to see that most of her Jeans had now been ripped off by the impacts.

The guard just stared at her open mouthed this time as she stood up to face him again. She wasn’t sure if it was the sight of her nearly nude body or the fact that she was still alive that was shocking him the most. For whatever reason, he just stood with his weapon hanging uselessly at his side as he clearly couldn’t believe what he saw before him. Kara slowly stepped up to face him as she took the rifle gently from his hands before setting it on the floor. She looked at his name tag.

“Thanks to you, Private Baker, I now need your shirt. Please take it off and give it to me.”

The young man didn’t move for a moment so she said more loudly, “Please give me your shirt, now, Private!”


His fingers flew over the buttons for a moment before he handed her the long brown uniform shirt that he was wearing. Kara slipped it on as she buttoned it up partially across her front. Fortunately, the tails were long enough to also cover the tears and holes in her Jeans. At least I’ve got some of my modesty back, she thought to herself.

She suddenly heard the sound of boots running down the hall as several guards turned the corner to aim their rifles her. She didn’t want to be shot again tonight, so she put her hands in the air and stood still. Damn this alien, she thought, why did she have to look like me!

The guards stood aiming at her while she saw Chris rounding the corner. He also stopped as he looked at her for a moment. She saw the doubt in his face as even he wasn’t sure who she was.

“Ah, Chris, its me, Kara. Would you tell these goons to put down their weapons. This guy has already made a mess of my clothes with his ‘enthusiasm’.”

“Hold on... how do I know its really you.”

Kara looked angrily at him for a moment. My God, the guy can’t even recognize me, she thought. It isn’t like he doesn’t know what I look like or anything.

“Chris, damn it, I’m tired of this crap. Just tell these goons who I am and lets get out of here,” she said angrily. Her patience was wearing really thin with this bunch.

Chris hesitated for a moment before he had an idea. “Kara, if that’s who you are, tell me about the pool.”

Her eyes blazed as she had to restrain herself from using her heat vision on these men! She was so angry, she thought of just walking through them and ignoring them. Let them shoot if they wanted! She clenched her fists as she stepped forward a few steps before she finally began to get control of herself.

She continued to glare at Chris as she was astounded that even her lover couldn’t, or wouldn’t, recognize her. She continued to work to force herself to calm down as she tried to picture the situation from their perspective. Maybe he’s just being extra careful, she thought. Especially after that guard was killed by Sil today. She decided to humor him.

“Chris, the pool is on an island near the house in Hawaii. It’s our own private retreat.” She watched his eyes as she said this. She could see the obvious relief on his face as she told him something that Sil couldn’t possibly know.

“Ok, it’s Kara, it’s Ok.” He walked up to take her in his arms as he hugged her to his chest. Instead of hugging him back, he felt her rigid and tense body in his arms. She shrugged her shoulders strongly as she pushed herself away from him.

“I can’t believe that you couldn’t even recognize me, Chris. Sil doesn’t look that much like me. You really made me feel like crap back there.” She glared at him as she angrily stepped away from him as he tried to put his arm back around her again.

“I’m really sorry, Kara, but I was only half awake when these guards came and grabbed me. I could smell all the smoke from the rifle and saw you wearing clothes I had never seen before. It just took me a while to figure out what was going on.”

Kara gradually calmed down as she realized that he was right. Everybody was just too much on edge right now.

“Well, I guess I need an escort in this damn place from now on. I really didn’t need to get shot like that tonight. You may think nothing can hurt me, but those types of bullets are really uncomfortable when they hit me.” She stepped back toward him as she slipped her arm around his waist as they began to walk back toward the elevator.

“By the way, Chris, do they have anything new on Sil?”

“Not a thing, but the link to the credit card company is down now. Some kind of screw up with the lines. They should have it back up in a few hours.” He led her back upstairs to their room. He still needed some sleep tonight even if she didn’t.

* * *

The sun was shining in Sil’s face as she woke up the next morning in her hotel room. Her entire night had been filled with both disturbing and arousing dreams of dark creatures with many tentacled arms. She had been astounded at the beauty of the creatures as they moved over her and touched her. She dreamed that her human form had sloughed off her body to reveal the beauty underneath that she had dreamed about.

When she first awoke, the bright light made her think she was back in her glass cage back at the lab. It took a few minutes before she recognized where she was. She got to her feet as she felt an urge to go into the bathroom. She turned on the hot water as she stepped into the shower. The hot steaming water felt good as it ran down her body. She suddenly felt it mixing with some more warm liquid that was running down her legs. She looked down to see a yellow liquid mixing with the water as she suddenly felt a pressure being relieved from her lower abdomen. She assumed it was some kind of waste removal of her human form. She enjoyed the feeling of relief as she closed her eyes and held her face up to the shower. The steaming hot water felt wonderful as her body gradually felt refreshed and clean again.

She stood in the shower for a long time until she felt the water getting cooler. She then stepped out and rubbed her body with the white cloths that she had found in the bathroom. She finally dressed in her short white frilly dress again, the one she had first bought at the store. This time, she didn’t wear the stockings as she just left her legs bare. She couldn’t figure out what good those filmy things did anyway.

She knew she had to keep moving, so she filled her bags with her clothes and carried everything out to the car. She found that it was a lot easier to steer today than she remembered from yesterday. It was almost becoming natural to her now. She drove back toward the hills where she had been last night as she remembered seeing a large open place near the top. She still had the gun she taken from the guard and she needed to know how dangerous it was to her.

When she finally got back to the open area, she took her handbag with the gun in it and walked into the woods. She held the gun awkwardly in her right hand as she held out her left hand and aimed the gun at it. It took a minute to figure out how to make the gun work, but she finally was rewarded with a loud *BANG* as she felt a strong painful impact on her left hand. It startled her so much that she dropped the gun while holding her injured hand against her stomach. After a moment, she opened it to see that there was only a red spot where the bullet had hit her. She was pleased to see that the skin wasn’t broken. She flexed her hand a few times as she noticed some soreness, but no real injury.

She knew it was going to hurt, but she had one more test she had to perform. She reached up to slide the straps of her dress down as she lowered it to her waist. She held the gun in both hands as she turned it to aim it at her stomach. She closed her eyes as she pulled the trigger once again.

The explosive impact doubled her over as she lost her footing and fell to the ground. Pain was radiating outward from her stomach as she struggled to breathe. Her mouth was opening and closing as she tried to take a breath, but she couldn’t for a few moments.

Eventually, the pain began to subside and she found that she was able to breathe again. She slowly straightened herself up and looked at her stomach. There was an ugly red spot at the top center, near her ribs, but her skin was unbroken.

Sil smiled weakly as she got back to her feet. She knew that these guns could cause her a lot of pain, but they couldn’t kill her with them. She continued to rub her stomach as she tossed the gun into a pile of leaves.

She pulled her dress back up as she sat down on a nearby rock. She recalled a show she had seen on TV about a place called a ‘nightclub’. She had seen lots of men there and had seen that they were enjoying the women who were with them. She knew that was where she could find a man tonight. Until then, she enjoyed hiding in the trees while she entertained herself by watching, and eventually catching and crushing, the many types of little prey that scampered around in the forest.

* * *

Meanwhile, Chris and Kara woke up early in the morning as the phone rang. The supervisor in the Ops Center told them that they had gotten the link back up to the credit card company and had found that Sil had checked into a hotel just down the street. The police were already on the scene, but she was gone. They had missed her again. Kara groaned as she rolled over to curl up against Chris’s back. This alien was becoming really elusive, she thought.

* * *

The long day finally passed as Sil impatiently waited in the trees near the top of the ridge. She stayed there until it was completely dark before she walked out from the trees and got in the car to drive back down into the city. She had remembered seeing a place whose sign looked something like the ‘nightclub’ she had seen on the TV. When she reached it, she stopped her car on the side of the street as she walked toward the door of the club.

The doorman was new on the job, but he had been training for this job with the previous doorman for the last couple of months. The requirements to be a doorman at a club like this were truly unique. He had learned that there were really only three ways people could get into a club like this. The first way was to be a celebrity, an actor or some other person who was ‘known’ in LA. These were the people who were high on the local social ladder. The tough part of this job was keeping up with the trade’s and other local publications so that he could recognize them.

The second way was to be a woman who was high in the ‘gene pool’. The more elaborately dressed and the more incredible their bodies, the easier it was to get past him. They were always welcome in the club.

The last way was to wait in line, often for hours, until the club wasn’t crowded. In fact, tonight was shaping up pretty much as usual with a long line of people waiting to get in. Several knew that a very handsome tip would help their chances, but in general, they stood outside for hours waiting for things to slow down in the club.

The doorman finished scanning the line of people when he saw a tall spectacular blond walking across the street toward him. She had a funny look on her face, but she certainly knew how to move her hips as she walked! Her long strong legs dazzled him as she walked right toward the door as if the line didn’t exist. He smiled at her as she obviously knew that he was going to let her in without any problem. His eyes met hers as he saw the brightest green eyes he had ever seen as she swished past him and into the doorway. He was dazzled for a moment as the vision of her blond hair, her tiny dress and strong legs remained etched in his brain.

He was brought back to reality as one of the people in the line started to complain to him that he had let her in ahead of he and his girlfriend. The doorman made a mental note to make sure that this guy was going to be the last person who got in tonight, if he got in at all.

Sil was amazed as she stepped into the large room and saw the strange disorienting lights flashing. There were many men and women standing in the middle of the room moving around while some loud music played. She watched for a moment until she felt her own body beginning to move the same way that they were. She remembered that this had been called ‘dancing’ on TV. The music and movements of the dancers made her feel good as she walked down the steps to join them on the floor.

She began to swirl her body around faster and faster as she watched how several of the men began to dance with her. She found that she could move herself more gracefully and athletically than the other women as she swirled her way across the floor. She felt herself feeling more and more free as she lifted her arms up and let her body take over.

Her keen eyes still saw everything in the room as she danced. She watched how several of the women were showing a lot of their breasts to the men as they danced and while they stood talking with them at the bar. She decided to do the same as she reached up to pull the top of her dress down to her waist. If showing part of her breasts was good, showing them all should be even better. She noticed how the men began to respond to her far more strongly after she did this as she felt her firm bare breasts moving around on her chest as she danced.

She eventually slowed down as she walked over toward the bar. She scanned the men at the bar as she was dismayed to see that several of them had the green disease aura around them, even though they initially looked healthy. She finally walked up to a healthy man who was standing alone. She watched his eyes staring down at her still bared breasts as they bounced slightly when she walked up to him.

Sil gave him a dazzling smile as she turned to sit on the stool next to him. She saw a number of men staring at her from the other side of the bar as she reached up to run her hands slowly over her breasts. She again felt how nice it felt to rub her fingers over the hard points at the end of them. She watched the man’s eyes grow large as he looked down at her hands as she did this. She also noticed the familiar mound beginning in his pants that meant he was interested in mating with her. This was good, she thought.

She remembered how much the other men seemed to like to hold her breasts before mating, so she decided to see if this man would like to also. She also remembered how good it had felt to her as well. She looked around again as she realized that her breasts were among the largest of any of the women she saw in the room. This was also good as these men seemed to like that.

She leaned closer to him as she leaned over to talk above the music as she took his hands in hers. “Would you like to hold my breasts. I think I have the largest breasts here, so they should feel good to you.” As she said this, she lifted his hands up to place them over her soft breasts.

The man was shocked as this beautiful blond walked up and placed his hands on her bare chest. It was really bizarre how she talked about how big she was before holding his wrists and putting his hands on her tits. He didn’t resist, but he had the funny feeling that it wouldn’t have made any difference. She definitely wanted him to hold her! He stared down at her as he felt how incredibly soft and full she was. He could felt her nipples becoming very firm under his fingers. He looked up as he saw that her eyes were closed as she gently swayed her blond hair back and forth. She was obviously enjoying this as much as he was.

He was lost in the sensation of exploring her marvelous chest when he heard a feminine voice being cleared next to him. Oh my God, it was Carol! He had been so carried away with what he was doing that he had forgotten about his date. She firmly reached up to take his hands from this woman’s breasts as she slid between the two of them. She pressed herself against him as she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

“Mark, I know this is a pretty weird club, but do you really think you have to fondle this floozie’s tits here while I’m in the powder room. I mean, if you want to fondle somebody, why don’t we get out of here and you can do whatever you wish with me. After all,” she whispered in his ear, “I’d like to do a lot more than just have you fondle my tits...”

His eyes came back to Carol’s as he heard the promise in her voice and saw her smile. He had no idea what he had been doing with this other woman; Carol was who he really wanted to be with. They had been dating for the last couple of weeks and this incident had clearly triggered something in her that he found very arousing. He felt a sense of female competitiveness that was really turning him on. She slipped from his arms as she turned to walk toward the bathroom again.

“Give me just a moment... and try to leave her tits alone for at least two minutes.”

Sil saw that the man’s bulge was even stronger now than it had been when he was holding her. She saw that this other woman was going to take him away from her. She felt a cold fury inside her as she slipped down from the stool while pulling her top back up.

She followed the other woman to the bathroom as she watched what she was doing. She saw her spray something down between her breasts before she turned to enter one of the stalls. Sil quickly walked around behind the wall as she listened for the woman’s heartbeat. Her keen hearing finally picked it up as she pressed her fingers against the steel wall at the back of the stall. She suddenly pressed rapidly forward as she felt her fingers tearing through the steel wall. Her arm was suddenly through it as her fingers reached blindly for the back of the woman. She finally felt her spine under her fingers. She shoved her fingers into her back until they encircled it. She then closed her fingers before pulling her hand backward. She felt the satisfying feeling of tearing this woman’s spine nearly completely from her body!

Sil pulled her bloody hand back through the hole in the wall as she walked around and washed her arm off. She was pleased that the woman hadn’t made the slightest sound.

She then calmly walked back out to find the man who the other woman had called Mark. He was staring at her again as she smiled softly at him as she walked back over to him.

“Mark, your friend told me she isn’t feeling well. She asked you to go out to the car and get her purse. She told me that she wants me to bring it back to her.”

Mark looked confused for a moment as he glanced back toward the bathroom. Carol clearly wasn’t coming out. This was unusual, but he decided he had no choice except to go out to the car and get her purse. She certainly hadn’t looked sick a moment ago; he figured it was some kind of female thing.

He was glad the blond woman had pulled her top back up as he felt a little more comfortable with her now. She walked quietly beside him as they went outside to find his van. He had parked it around the corner under a street light. He opened the door and climbed into the back to find her purse when he suddenly felt the woman getting in behind him and closing the door. He turned around to look at her as he saw her pulling her top down again. This time, she took her whole dress off as she kneeled down in front of him.

“Hey, wait a minute. I thought Carol needed her purse. What are you doing?”

“I want to make love to you, Mark. You are the most handsome man I saw in the club. It will just take a moment and Carol will never know.” Sil smiled as she said this. This funny language they used could have a lot of different meanings in the same words. She reached down to pull his hands up to her breasts again. She had to use a lot of strength to overcome his initial reluctance. However, she soon felt his hands beginning to hold her more firmly as she reached down to unzip his pants.

She reached in to his pants to hold his hard organ as she lifted it up from his pants. She leaned over as she took it into her mouth the way she had seen the woman in the alley doing it. She stroked her head back and forth on him as she felt his hands moving upward. His fingers tangled in her long hair as she felt him pulling her head against himself even more firmly.

Mark couldn’t believe that this beautiful blond was giving him a blowjob in his van! She wasn’t very good at it, but the vision of her silky blond hair moving in the dim light was more than enough to turn him on. He remembered how big and full her breasts had felt under his hands only a few minutes ago. He gripped his fingers in her hair as he pulled her even more firmly against himself.

His pleasure suddenly turned to pain as he felt her sucking on him far harder than any woman ever had before! Her head was moving faster and faster as it felt as if she was going rip his cock from his body! Her teeth began to tear his skin as he shouted to her.

“Oh God, stop, stop. You’re hurting me. Please...”

Sil suddenly relaxed her mouth as she felt him pushing her head away from his body. She saw concern, maybe even fear, in his eyes. She also saw that his organ was now relaxing as he held it in his hand. Once again, she realized that these weak men just couldn’t withstand even her most careful attentions. She felt the now familiar disgust as she saw that this man wasn’t an adequate mate for her; just like the others.

She reached over to pull the thick steel tube of the drink table from the floor. She reached up with her arms to place the tube around the back of his head as the strong muscles of her arms began to flex. She felt the tube bending around his neck as she quickly crossed her hands. She pulled the twisted ends outward until she heard his neck crack. His head flopped to the side as she twisted the tube until the encircled space shrank essentially to zero.

She turned back around to put her dress back on before walking back to her own car. She was really discouraged now. None of these men seemed able to stay in one piece long enough to mate with her. Invariably, her enthusiasm got the best of her and she injured them. She muttered some dark curses as she drove down the street to find another place to spend the night. She finally found a small dumpy motel and checked in. At least the TV worked, she thought.

Sil laid on the bed as she watched show after show on TV. She had to learn a lot more about this world, and learn it quickly, if she was going to fulfill her destiny and mate. Eventually, she started getting bored and was turning the channels when she suddenly saw a documentary news article about this man and woman.

Sil was astounded as she saw that the man could fly like that woman she had seen up at the house in the hills! She felt strange stirrings in herself as she saw him displaying incredible strength as he lifted a huge truck from the side of a road where it had crashed. Sil felt her whole body tingling as she watched him on the screen. She noticed that it felt better than ever before as she ran her hands over her breasts while she watched this man performing some impossible feats of strength.

She wasn’t sure what was happening to her to make her feel this way, but she knew that he was definitely the man she should mate with. He would be strong enough to complete mating with her and her babies would be very strong if they had his genes combined with hers! But how could she find this man!

She finally decided she should stay close to the flying woman she had seen in the hotel as she obviously would know this other man. She suddenly realized that no other man on this planet was desirable to her now. She wanted only to mate with this strong man, David they called him, that she had seen on TV.


Meanwhile, Fairchild and David were completing their mission in Europe. It had been a good one. They had found where the Kintzi had been disrupting satellite communications and had been able to shut them down and restore normal operations. The two of them had fought quite a battle; the Kintzi were getting more sophisticated in their methods of battling Velorians. But the end result was the same. No Kintzi could long stand before a Velorian in his or her prime.

Fair had called to check in with Chris and he had given them a full update on what was happening in LA. She was really concerned about the potential for this Sil creature to actually complete what they assumed was her mission; to mate and bear a male offspring. If a race as fast growing and lethal as Sil’s ever got a toehold on Earth, they would be really hard, probably impossible, to eliminate.

She and David quickly flew half way around the world to arrive in LA. The double sonic boom of their arrival echoed from the buildings and made people think of the Space Shuttle; it had the same double sonic boom as it crossed the city to land at Edward’s AFB.

They landed in a park about a block from the hotel where the rest of the team was staying. A quick change of clothing and they were suddenly far less conspicuous than they would have been in their Velorian costumes.

Their landing and change of clothing was done privately with the exception of one interested observer, Sil. She had been watching the area around the hotel in the hope that the flying man, the one called David, would join this other woman. She smiled as she saw that her plan was working; he had come. The woman with him looked a lot stronger and better developed than the other woman, the one called SuperGirl, that she had been watching. Sil realized that she would be an even greater adversary. However, her eyes spent most of their time focused on the man as she watched him walk from the park. She felt a thrill through her body as she realized that a man who could withstand her physical demands was actually here, now!

Sil followed them at a discrete distance. She had learned from the TV that she could buy different colored hair and had visited a store near her hotel to buy a dark wig. She had changed earlier into a pair of tight Jeans and a yellow bodysuit top that contrasted strongly with her black wig.

She watched the two of them carefully as she saw woman going up in the elevator while David walked down the hallway toward the room where the men who were hunting her were working. Sil followed him back toward the rear of the hotel.

David was just about to open the door to the Operations Center when it opened on its own and Kara came out. She was clearly surprised to see David here and was initially a little startled by his presence. She felt her heart beating faster as her familiar, but powerful, physical attraction for him suddenly rose in her chest. There was always a deep desire that she couldn’t ignore, at least when she was with him. In fact, she had had several fairly detailed dreams about him lately. Despite the fact that he was Fair’s SO, she just couldn’t take her eyes off him when she was around him.

David smiled slightly as he was well aware of Kara’s attraction to him and was very flattered by it. He felt the same, almost irresistible, desire for her, but his relationship with Fair didn’t have room for Kara in it. Besides, Fair was uncharacteristically jealous when Kara was around. There wasn’t much that really upset Fair as she was always very open to new ideas and frank discussions in other areas. However, there was something about Kara, and the way she had initially come-on to David, that had really pissed Fair off. You could see it in her eyes anytime Kara and he were together. David suspected that there was some aspect of Velorian women that he still didn’t understand and just chalked it up to that.

Standing here with Kara, however, they could both feel the chemistry working. She opened her arms and gave him a hug as she welcomed him back to LA. David found himself reacting to the feel of her beautiful firm body in his arms in ways that were completely inappropriate for this situation. He quickly stepped back as he saw Kara’s eyes dart downward or a moment. Damn, she had noticed his reaction. There wasn’t any easy way to be modest in front of a woman who had super vision!

Kara ran her fingers gently down his arms as she felt his hesitancy. She straightened herself up and brusquely told him that they all needed to meet in an hour back in the Operations Center. She then quickly turned and walked rapidly down the hall straight at Sil.

Sil saw Kara’s troubled expression as Kara looked right past her as she approached. She was initially a little apprehensive about being within inches of this woman, but the look on Kara’s face and the distraction that she saw in her eyes put her at ease. The last thing Kara was looking for right now was Sil. Sil’s eyes tracked Kara behind her sunglasses as the two women met and passed in the hall. Sil resumed breathing after they passed as she looked back up to see David walking the other way down the hall.

One think Sil had clearly observed, however, was the interaction between these two. She had been studying human behavior long enough now to know that these two actually had a strong physical attraction to each other, but for some reason, they were not openly expressing it. She had no idea why they were acting this way towards each other, but she decided it was something she could use to her own advantage. She guessed that it was the mutual restraint she had seen that prevented them from interacting. She smiled as she thought what would happen if she pretended she was Kara, yet did not show the same restraint. She knew that she could pass for Kara as long as the other person wasn’t studying her in too much detail or if the lighting was low.

She saw David walk through the door at the end of the hall carrying a gym bag. She waited for a few moments and then followed him through the door. The stairwell was still reverberating with the sound of another door closing as she entered, but Sil was hard pressed to determine if it was above her or below. She thought about the gym bag and decided that it was probably below. He was probably going down to the sauna or Jacuzzi.

She softly walked down the steps as her ears were tuned to any sounds coming from below her. She quietly opened the door at the bottom of the stairwell and walked into the health club. There was no one in sight. She walked around a bit until she heard a door softly opening and closing. She ran her hand softly along the wall as her keen ears listened for the sound of the man’s heart beat. She finally heard it as she approached the door that said ‘SAUNA’ over it. She knew he was in there.

Sil didn’t hesitate for a moment as her strong hands ripped the clothes from her body in several powerful sweeps of her hands. She tore the wig off as she shook her blond hair out over her shoulders. She then reached up to open the door as she stepped into the hot dry air of the little room.

She was pleased to see that David was laying on a wood bench near the top of the room as he looked the other way. She walked slowly toward him as the door closed with a ‘snick’ behind her. She saw him turn his head to look at her as his eyes opened wide. He hesitated for a moment before he quickly sat up to stare at her.

“Kara,” he gasped, “what are you doing here?”

“Shhhh”, Sil whispered as if there was someone else near, “I know that you’ve really wanted to be with me since we met. I feel the same way. I just have to be with you, at least once. No other man is able to really make love to me the way I need, they aren’t strong enough. At least once, I need to be with a man that can fulfill me in every way. That man is you, David.”

She walked closer to him as she reached up to the bench to firmly run her hands along his powerful thighs. “You are the only man who is strong enough to make love to me.” She lifted him from the bench as she effortlessly lowered him to the floor in front of her. She reached down to hold his hands as she lifted them up to place them on her breasts. He didn’t resist her.

David couldn’t believe that Kara was here with him like this! God, she was every bit as beautiful as he had imagined. Her slim gorgeous body was different than Fair’s in that she was beautiful in a very feminine and sexy way. The pronounced curves of her smaller slimmer body appealed to yet another part of his sexuality.

He knew he should walk out the door, but he couldn’t bring himself to move from her. He felt a thrill through his body as she lifted his hands up to place them on her soft full breasts! He couldn’t help himself from responding as he felt her softness filling his hands. He began to hold her firmly as his fingers began stroking her nipples.

Sil gasped as she felt his strong hands surrounding he breasts. He held her far more firmly that the other men had. The feeling of his strong fingers kneading her breasts and stroking over her nipples was incredible! She felt waves of tingling warmth flowing through her aroused body as she lowered her hands until they slid under the waistband of his swimsuit. She needed to know if he was this big and strong everywhere.

She noisily ripped his swimsuit from him as her hands surrounded the largest male organ she had ever seen or felt. He was huge and so very hard! Both her hands couldn’t cover the length of him as she found herself involuntarily squeezing him with nearly her full strength. She heard him gasp as she felt his organ surging in her hands as she stroked her powerful hands along his length.

She slowly lowered herself downward until her lips began to kiss the end of his huge organ. She had to open her mouth all the way to begin to take him into herself. He tasted incredible to her as her lips slid up over him as she bent her neck to take him deeply into herself. It was soon clear that he was too big for her to do what she wanted, so she eased her head back as she continued to run her strong hands over him. She surrounded his huge cock head with her hand as she squeezed him with all her alien strength. She heard him cry out with pleasure, not with pain. Unlike the other men she had held, she felt absolutely no give in this man’s hard organ.

* * *

Meanwhile, Fair had gotten a shower and was wondering why David hadn’t returned to the room yet. She squinted her eyes as she used her super vision to look downward into the hotel to try and locate him. It was hard to focus through all these walls, but she eventually caught a faint image of him down in the bottom of the hotel. She saw him standing with someone in front of him. She expanded her vision slightly as she suddenly saw what was happening. There was a blond woman kneeling down in front of him!

She zoomed in with her vision to see that it looked like Kara! She felt anger surging through her body as she saw that little bitch running her tongue over the head of his cock! She knew how Kara felt about David, but she had never expected her to be so crass as to actually try to seduce him this way. She got even angrier as she saw that she was doing a lot more than just trying to seduce him.

She walked to the door as she pulled it open so fast that she ripped it completely off its hinges. She threw the mangled door behind her as she walked to the end of the hall. She pushed the button for the elevator as she waited impatiently for it to arrive. She saw that they were all above her as it seemed like it was taking forever for the elevators to move downward.

Fair quickly lost patience as she slipped her fingers between the doors and tore them open with a shrug of her powerful shoulders. She stepped into the open shaft as she fell rapidly downward, feet first, using her flying ability only to stabilize herself. The floors flew past her as the wind whistled in her ears as she fell more than 40 stories. She finally landed with a loud thump as her powerful legs took up the shock of her fall. She reached up to tear the doors open once again.

* * *

Meanwhile, Sil was kissing her way back up over David’s incredible hard body as she felt her own body responding in ways she had never felt before. She felt a warm tingling from between her legs as a warm slipperly liquid ran down her thighs. Her nipples had become huge as his fingers stroked them. Each touch of his fingers send waves of ecstasy through her body. She finally began to kiss his lips hungrily as she felt his hands reaching down to grab her ass. She squeaked with pleasure as she felt his fingers gripping her as he lifted her into the air. She felt his hard cock sliding down over her stomach until it was touching the opening of her sex. She wrapped her slim but strong legs around his hips as she used her alien strength to pull herself down against him.

She immediately cried out loudly as she felt her sex being expanded by the incredible dimensions of his hard organ. Much of the strength in her powerful leg muscles were needed to pull herself down over him.

David turned to look in the mirror as she saw her legs exploding with surprisingly large gorgeous muscles. He reached his hands up to feel the hard smooth contours of her thighs as she used them to make love to him. He couldn’t prevent the loud moans from escaping his own throat as he felt the firm wet sheath of her vagina surrounding him as she used the super strength of those gorgeous legs to pull him deeply within herself. He began kissing her wildly as his powerful hands squeezed her firm ass as he helped lift her up and down on his long hard cock. She felt smaller and tighter than Fair as he felt his cock being held more firmly than he had ever felt before. He wanted to prolong his pleasure, but the tight warmth of her cunt combined with her frantic thrusting quickly took him completely over the top. She panted loudly as she encouraged him onward. He gasped loudly as she pulled her body downward again and again as she took all of him into her. He finally couldn’t hold back as he felt himself exploding deep within her.

Sil couldn’t believe how good it felt as his hard organ plunged deeply into her, again and again and again. She screamed at him to fuck her harder and deeper! Her entire body felt like it was on fire, but with a wonderful tingling fire, as she tried to take him even further into herself. She felt the throbbing of his organ mixing with the beat of her own alien heart as it came from deep inside her. She finally felt the head of his huge organ surging nearly a foot deep within her body as bursts of hot liquid exploded inside her. She let out an alien screech as she knew she had finally fulfilled her destiny on this planet. She had finally successfully mated!

Within moments, she could feel his sperm racing into her alien organs as she felt several eggs being fertilized. Her organs, and then her external body, began to change immediately as she knew that this ugly human form was no longer necessary or desirable.

“My God, David, I can feel it growing inside me. My babies are moving. Here, feel them!” She grabbed David’s hand as she placed it on her stomach as she rested her weight on his still partially erect organ as it was still deep inside her.

David had no idea what she was talking about. Babies... they had only had sex two minutes before. He felt her soft stomach as she pressed his hand against her. He was astounded as he felt a movement deep inside her!

At the same time, he felt her stomach growing more rigid as deep bands of muscle suddenly were revealed. He had no idea what was happening as Kara could not possibly have muscles like those underneath her soft skin. He looked up to see her long blond hair falling to the floor in bunches as her eyes grew huge and round. He was shocked as her green eyes suddenly turned red and began to look more like those of a lizard than a beautiful woman. At the same time, he felt an immense pressure against his partially erect cock as he found he was locked within her!

He saw strange bumps traveling under her beautiful skin as it suddenly turned red and splotchy. It almost seemed as if something was trying to get out from inside her! His hands were still on her hips as he tried to push her away from him with all his strength, but her powerful legs and the clenching of her cunt overpowered him as he found he couldn’t move. Her legs were clearly stronger than his arms. He looked down her body in horror as he saw her breasts dissolving as huge bumps appeared under her skin. He heard a sound like her bones breaking as her ribs began to spread apart. He glanced in the mirror as he screamed at what he saw! Her entire back was now made of huge scales that were standing up from what had been her spine. The flesh of her thighs was splitting open as long tentacles were revealed. Those tentacles were what was wrapped around his hips and were holding him fast!

He screamed so loudly that it shook the room as he saw her beautiful head split noisily apart to be replaced by an almost reptilian face. She opened her mouth to hiss at him as he saw rows upon rows of sharp glistening teeth...

...Sil felt the wonderful transformation taking place as she finally was able to slough off this ugly body. She gave David a toothy smile as she was pleased to see how her new appearance was affecting him. She knew she couldn’t really hurt him, he was far to invulnerable for that, but she wanted him to fully experience the beauty of her true form. Soon all these soft weak creatures of Earth would know of her and her offspring. Earth would become the new home of her species. She hoped these creatures tasted good as they had many billions to slay!

It was at this moment that Sil heard a loud crunch and felt a sudden blast of cold air on her back. She turned to see this other woman, the one called Aurora, standing with the torn remains of the door in her hands. She saw a shocked look cross her face as she stared at the obvious beauty of her new body.

Fair stopped in her tracks as she saw this incredibly ugly apparition in front of her. The long black tentacles were wrapped around David as her reptilian face and rows of pointed teeth stared back at her. Her initial horror was quickly replaced by protectiveness as she saw her lover in the grasp of this horrible creature. She quickly ran forward at the same time as the creature released him and shot to the side. It ran around her and out the open door. It moved so fast that she hadn’t had time to even reach out to stop it!

Fair was torn between chasing the creature and checking to see if David was OK. Her protective feminine instincts won out as she leaned down to help him back to his feet.

“My God, Fair, was that the creature we heard about? I had no idea...”

Fair looked at him angrily as she said, “Yes, that was obviously Sil. If you had taken the time to read the reports, you would have known that she looked a lot like Kara. You’ve now done exactly what she wanted, you’ve mated with her. And with your Velorian powers, I can only assume that her progeny will now have a combination of your powers and Sil92's. My God, David, what have you DONE!”

David quickly stood up as he pulled the torn remains of his swimsuit back on as he headed down the hall with Fair right behind him. They had to find and destroy this creature before it could bear any of its young. They ran at high speed through the halls as they used their super vision to scan every square inch of the huge building. However, even with their super powers, they could find no trace of Sil. They finally gave up an hour later as they realized it was hopeless. Somehow, Sil was gone!


They eventually converged back at the operations room as the team discussed this new, and very dangerous, turn of events. Fair was still visibly upset with David while Kara was clearly amused as she caught his eye as he sat in the back of the room. Kara and Fair talked quietly to each other as Kara’s easy sense of humor had Fair laughing at several points. They seemed somehow to have mended the rift that David had created between them. He also saw, from their glances his way, that this humor was clearly at his own expense. If he didn’t feel so responsible for what had happened, he would be out of there in a heartbeat.

They all knew LA was far too large for a random search, there were uncounted thousands of places Sil could have gone to ground. The team decided that they would spent their time instead sifting through any and all unusual reports that came in to them. The hope was that she would encounter people in whatever hiding place she sought out and that some rumors of her would find their way to them.

They operated this way for the next couple of days, but there were no leads at all. Not even a rumor. All the local police forces and many of the neighborhood patrolling groups were given sketchy details about some kind of rabid creature. It was not enough information to make people panic but was enough to make sure they reported what they saw.

In the meantime, Kara and Fair spent a lot more time together as David moved to a room down the hall. Fair didn’t say another word to him about the incident, but he knew that she blamed him in a couple of ways. First, that he had so easily succumbed to being seduced by someone who he thought was Kara. Two, that he had given Sil a far greater gift, genetically speaking, than she could ever have planned when she came to Earth.

Fair now knew that it was Kara who was responsible for at least some of the restraint that had been shown between her and David. She knew the physical attraction between the two of them ran very deep, she accepted that. But Fair had been assuming that it was David that had been primarily responsible for the restraint that the two of them had shown. She now realized that a large part of that credit belonged to Kara. Her favorable impressions of her, in many areas of her life, were increasing as she saw that Kara was becoming increasingly responsible. She was finally coming to grips with the heavy responsibility that came from having the unique abilities that they both shared.

Chris joined them on several occasions as they talked not only about Sil, but about the potentially greater, and better planned risk, of the Arions and Kintzi. They would be very busy with their original campaign once they had found and destroyed Sil. They must succeed at that. If not, then perhaps the Arion’s mission to destroy and sterilize the Earth might actually be good. They would only be killing off creatures like Sil!

Another full day went by while the team grew increasingly frustrated. They were fearful that they had lost Sil forever, at least until her progeny started to show up. Then, on the afternoon of the third day, a report was called in by a police officer about some missing people. It appeared that a group of homeless men who had been living near an underground storm sewer distribution center had disappeared, starting about three days ago. There wasn’t any evidence of foul play. It was just that the men, who had been there for over a year, had simply disappeared.

Kara and Chris were in the Ops Center when the call came in; they decided to check it out personally. Kara turned her back to the men as she quickly slipped off her blouse and jeans before putting the tiny metallic yellow costume on that Frank had given her back at the agency. The top of the costume barely covered her aerola and was not much more than a G-string at the bottom, but the fabric was as invulnerable as her own incredible body. She walked back across the room as she leaned over to look at the map. The controllers on either side of her couldn’t keep their eyes off her as her essentially nude well-tanned and shapely body was displayed while her long blond hair was draped across the top of their consoles.

Kara quickly memorized the address as she and Chris headed out the back door while every pair of eyes in the Ops Center was staring at her supple body as she moved gracefully toward the door. She put her arm around him as her strong calves flexed to launch the two of them high into the air. She flew at more than three hundred miles per hour across the rooftops. Chris was very glad for his own invulnerability as he struggled to take a breath as the wind blasted against his face. He was relieved when she suddenly swooped down to land next to a group of police officers who were standing at the opening of a large storm drain system.

They walked up to the officer in charge as he explained that the homeless men had always gathered outside in the evening and had gone inside during the day to escape the heat. Their stray bits of clothing and equipment were still present; something that these men held very precious. They would not have left without their stuff.

Kara decided to head inside as Chris accompanied her. All eyes were on her as she walked toward the opening of the sewer. From the back, she looked completely nude unless you saw the tiny gold threads that swept down from her ribs and met the tiny thread that ran around her waist. They saw her firm legs and buttocks flexing very significantly as she headed down the walkway into the shadows of the sewer system. There was a collective sigh from the officers as she finally passed from sight. She was just too lovely to believe, a true ‘supergirl’.

The officers were making sure that no one else entered the sewer complex when they heard another swishing sound. They looked up to see the woman called Aurora land beside them. They caught a glimpse of her legs as they flexed strongly while she braked herself to a sudden stop. The men couldn’t believe their luck. She was even more impressive than Kara. Their eyes roamed across her taller more powerfully built body, not to mention her dramatically larger breasts, as she walked up to them to find out where Kara and Chris had gone. They could hardly talk as they pointed to the sewer. She gave them a dazzling smile before flexing her legs so powerfully that she essentially jumped the hundred feet to the entrance of the sewer. She also disappeared down into the shadows.

Kara and Chris split up when they got to the first major split in the tunnel. It got gradually darker as they headed deeper underground. Chris was easing his way along the railing at the edge of one of the collection ponds when he saw a ripple moving across the surface toward him. He leaned over to see what it was, but it suddenly disappeared. He waited for a moment before he walked further along the walkway. He thought he saw the ripple a couple more times, but each time it disappeared as he looked at it.

He turned a corner into an even more dimly lit area when he suddenly heard a sound behind him. He flattened himself against the wall as the sound came closer and closer. It sounded like somebody walking very softly. He knew Kara had taken another tunnel and the cops were keeping everyone else out of the tunnels, so it had to be something else. He heard the sound coming closer as someone, or something, began to round the corner behind him. He lifted the heavy steel bar that he had found as he prepared himself. He knew that this huge bar, combined with the fact that he was many times stronger than any other Terran man, would give him a huge advantage over any adversary. He finally saw a tall shadow moving around the corner as he stepped out and swung the huge bar with all his strength at the creature! He connected solidly against the base of the creatures neck and shoulders. However, instead of tearing the head of the creature off its shoulders, as he had intended, it felt like he had swung the bar against a stone statue. It clanged loudly as it rebounded off the creature as he saw an arm flash up to grab the bar and lift it high into the air. It happened to fast that he didn’t have a chance to let go as he felt himself being lifted into the air along with the bar. He was suddenly thrown backwards about ten feet to land heavily on his ass.

Aurora had thought she had heard something as she was rounding the corner, but was barely able to prepare for the tremendous blow before it struck the base of her neck. She had flexed her muscles to turn her upper body much harder than steel as the huge bar clanged against her steely muscles. She quickly reached up to catch it on the rebound as she threw the bar, and the attached man, ahead of her for several feet. She quickly stepped forward as her eyes adjusted to the light only to see that it was Chris!

“Well, Chris, thanks for letting me know you’re here. Are you OK?”

“Oh God, Fair, I thought you were the creature. Don’t worry about me, are you OK?”

“You have to ask? Surely you remember our little escapades on the beach when we first met. Remember, the girl’s bod is invulnerable. You’d have to do a lot more than that to even tickle me.” She reached down to help him back to his feet. He saw that she was wearing a tiny costume very much like what Kara was wearing, except that it was florescent orange. He remembered how the two of them were still trying to make the best use of the tiny amount of Velorian fabric that they had.

Aurora picked up the huge steel bar as her arms and shoulders flexed significantly as she slowly bent it back until it was straight again. She handed it back to Chris as she advised him to be a little more careful who he swung it at.

They were still talking softly when they suddenly heard a loud swishing noise in the water beside them. Aurora walked over the railing only to be met by a blast of water shooting upward. Chris closed his eyes as it splashed over him, but when he opened them again, Aurora was gone. He ran over to look down over the edge of the railing, but he saw nothing except a circle of ripples spreading outward from the surface.

Suddenly, there was an incredible *THUD* beneath his feet as the whole walkway began to shake. He felt impact after impact as he had to hang on the railing to keep his feet. Suddenly, their was a blast of water again as he looked up to see a huge humanoid creature rising from the water. Chris could see that it was holding Aurora high in the air as her body was being held in the grip of some kind of huge hand. The huge hand finally slashed downward as it smashed Aurora’s head into the concrete walkway. The blow knocked Chris from his feet as he saw that her head had been smashed completely through the reinforced concrete. Chris could see Fair’s amazing muscles flexing, yet impossibly, she wasn’t able to break free of the huge fingers that were surrounding her. The fingers of the creatures other hand then reached up from below to surround her head as they pulled her downward. Aurora’s broad shoulders crumbled and crushed the concrete until the hole was large enough for her body so be pulled back down through it to splash into the filthy water again. This time, there were no sounds as the ripples eventually died away.

Chris waited for nearly five minutes, but there was no further sign of either the creature or Aurora. He turned and ran the other way as he called for Kara.

Kara had reached the other end of the walkway in the other tunnel and had started heading back. She had found a number of items of clothing from the missing men, but no sign of their bodies. She suddenly heard Chris calling her name. He sounded really excited. She launched herself into the air as she flew rapidly along the walkway while twisting her body around the pipes hanging from the ceiling. She finally landed next to Chris as he tried to explain what had happened all in a single breath.

“Chris, Chris, slow down,” she said as she put her hands on his shoulders and leaned down close to him. “I can’t understand what you are saying. What happened to Fair?”

Chris took a deep breath before looking into her face and starting to talk again. “She was with me in the other tunnel when Sil, she is huge now, rose up and grabbed her. I could feel them fighting underneath the surface of the water for a while before the creature smashed her down and then pulled her right through the floor of the cement walkway. Everything was quite after that; its been about five minutes now.

Kara took off at a run back into the other tunnel. Her worst fear, one that she had not even been able to verbalize, was that Sil had been able to use the genetic material from David’s semen to do more than fertilize her eggs. She might have been able to cocoon herself again and metamorphize herself into some kind of super being.

They both walked carefully back to where Chris had last seen Fair. Kara knelt down to look at the ragged hole in the concrete. The steel rebars were all bend downward as it was clear that Fair had been smashed downward with incredible strength. Strength of the type that only a Velorian should have!

They were standing and talking quietly when there was another huge blast of water beneath them. They were both thrown off their feet as the concrete walkway bulged upward before splitting in half. Chris and Kara were thrown onto their backs as they saw a huge creature standing upward in the middle of the smashed walkway. Chris was astounded to see that it was a tall blond woman! Not just tall, but 50’ tall! A giantess. One hand was wrapped around Fairchild so that only her head and feet were extending beyond her huge hand. Chris could see that she was conscious, but she didn’t seem to have the strength to break out of the giantesses grip. He could see that the arm holding Fair was bulging with muscles in the same way that a Velorian woman’s arms would. Except that she was nearly ten times as large!

The giantess reached up with her other hand as she pressed it against the ceiling of the concrete tunnel. Chris looked up to see huge cracks spreading through the concrete as her massive shoulder muscles flexed. He could see that the clefts between her amazing muscles were several feet deep as she strained her massive body against the ceiling. It finally gave way as she lifted her arm fully upward to push a ten foot wide circle of concrete right up through the ground. She leaned down for a moment before launching herself upward to smash through the opening in the ceiling. Pieces of reinforced concrete and earth flew everywhere as her massive shoulders ripped a huge hole in the three foot thick concrete ceiling of the tunnel. Chris had a brief look at her massive five-foot wide calf muscles flexing as she propelled herself upward into the bright sunshine.

Kara didn’t hesitate this time as she grabbed Chris and launched herself powerfully into the air to follow Sil. She had to really accelerate to keep up with the giantess as she flew faster and faster. They were soon moving faster than the speed of sound as Kara began to get worried about Chris. He couldn’t handle the stresses of traveling much faster than this. The giantess began to accelerate even faster as Kara knew that she had to continue without Chris.

“Chris,” she screamed in his ear, “I’m going to drop you. You can survive the fall, but I can’t keep up with that ‘thing’ without hurting you. Are you OK?”

He couldn’t speak over the supersonic slipstream, but he was able to nod his head. Anything was better than traveling unprotected at these speeds. Kara suddenly led go of him as he began to fall toward the ocean far below. He saw he was going to hit several miles offshore, but he wasn’t worried. He was invulnerable enough to survive the fall and easily strong enough to swim to shore.

Kara flexed her calves more strongly as she rapidly closed the distance to the massive woman. She was trying to figure out what to do when she did catch up to her when Sil suddenly turned and headed back toward downtown LA. She was traveling at several times the speed of sound as she streaked back over the beach and across the southside of LA. She finally began to brake to a stop. Kara saw her reach her harm behind her as she suddenly threw Fairchild downward at thousands of miles per hour into the hard concrete of the Southeast Expressway. Fair’s body smashed through the concrete as she disappeared into the earth below the roadway.

Sil landed on the highway as she walked toward the huge skyscrapers of downtown. Kara could see her huge feet crushing the bumper-to-bumper cars on the roads. Each footstep left a crushed puddle of human organs and car parts as her weight crushed the cars such that they were only a few inches tall.

She finally reached one of the huge skyscrapers as she bent down to surround one corner of it with her huge hands. Kara flew after her as she saw Sil’s massive super muscles flexing as her fingers ripped into the concrete walls of the tall building. She saw her legs and back flex massively as she realized that Sil was trying to lift the building from its foundation! Kara flashed downward to land with her legs spead around one of Sil’s powerful forearms.

She pressed downward as she used her own incredible strength to oppose her. Kara could see that she was having some effect as she used all of her amazing Velorian strength to tear her one arm away from the side of the building. She was putting all her strength into it when she was suddenly hit from behind with an incredible force. She flew across the street to smash into a neighboring building. The force of the blow was such that she smashed more than halfway through the huge building before she could finally come to a stop. She was just getting back to her feet when she felt the earth shuddering beneath her.

Kara flashed back out into the street as she saw Sil straining to lift the huge skyscraper from its foundation. Kara flew upward to land on Sil’s back as she spread her legs outward to try to surround the giant woman’s neck. She looked down in horror as she saw Sil’s giant rounded biceps flexing more than six feet high up into the air! At the same time, she saw the tall building teetering to the side as Sil raised nearly the entire weight of it from the ground! Kara was astounded as she realized that Sil must be lifting tens of millions of pounds with her incredible muscles, yet she looked like she still had strength left in reserve! Sil flexed the massive muscles of her back one more time as Kara saw the entire building rising into the air.

Kara flew from Sil’s back as she headed to the other side of the building to try and steady it. She was halfway there when she saw David flashing downward to join her. The two of them tried to catch the teetering building near the midpoint as they used all of their own super strength to try and steady it. Their bodies were crumpling through the hard concrete as they tried to find a way to exert themselves against it. They could also feel how easily Sil was overpowering them as the building tilted further and further over. The building was almost to the point of no return when Kara caught sight of Aurora flashing through the air as she flew toward Sil. She reached out with her arms to strike the massive woman’s legs with all her strength. She was able to knock one of Sil’s legs aside far enough for her to lose her balance. Sil fell backward as Aurora flew up to grab the other side of the building as she helped the two of them to set it back down onto its foundations. It was clear it wasn’t going to stand on its own anymore as Kara and Aurora found that they had to hang onto their respective sides to keep it upright.

Meanwhile, Sil launched herself back into the air with such force that her feet crushed the concrete roadway beneath her. Her massive calves flexed so strongly that the blast of air from their expansion knocked nearby people off their feet. She flew upward and away from the downtown area. Aurora shouted for David to follow her as she and Kara held the building while everyone was evacuated.

David flew along behind Sil as she cruised up the coast at nearly 3000 miles per hour. He got closer and closer to her as he tried to understand what she had turned into. He saw that she was a perfectly proportioned human woman; just a woman who was 50’ tall. Her muscles were very much like Fair’s in that she looked very well developed, even for her massive size. Her breasts were truly massive as they were more than six feet in diameter and protruded more than five feet from her body. He got closer and closer before he suddenly saw all the muscles on her back flexing suddenly. She came to an abrupt halt in mid-air as his own momentum carried him within arms reach of her. He saw her huge hand reaching for him, but was unable to avoid her. He lashed out with his arms as he felt her fingers enclosing him, but found that she was far stronger than he was. Her massive fingers closed around him as he felt his body being squeezed with nearly a million pounds of force. He used his own strength and his flying power to try to get away, but he found that while he could move her hand back and forth, he couldn’t break free of her powerful grip. He finally felt himself being carried downward as he saw the massive blond bush of her crotch coming up toward him.

David gasped as he felt his feet being forced between her giant labia as she pressed him into her huge pussy. His hands were still enclosed by her fingers as she pressed him deeper and deeper inside herself. He could smell her incredible musk as his whole body was immediately coated in her love juices as she shoved him deeply into the warm depths of her sex. She finally put her fingers on his shoulders as she pressed him more than eight feet deep into the firm sheath of her vagina. It was all he could do to raise his arms over his head as her incredible vaginal muscles crushed down to hold him in an immobilizing, but somehow soft, embrace. She pulled her fingers free as her labia closed and he was suddenly in total darkness.

Kara and Aurora, meanwhile, held onto the building as everyone within three blocks of it were evacuated. They were finally given to go-ahead to let go of it. They had hoped to be able to lift it and fly over the ocean before dropping it, but the ferro-concrete simply crumbled and fell apart anytime they tried to use enough strength to actually lift it. They shouted at each other to let go as they flew outward and away from it. The fifty story building stood on its own for a few moments before it began teetering to the side. Aurora flew back down to guide its descent so that it didn’t hit any other buildings as it fell. It finally fell sideways with an earthshattering roar as a cloud of dust rose upward for more than a thousand feet.

The two girls brushed themselves off before leaping into the air to head north along the coast at more than 10,000 miles per hour as they chased after Sil. She had been easy to track on radar as her steel-hard skin reflected the radar waves back to the receiver better than any aircraft.

Sil was over southern Alaska when the girls caught up with her. They were surprised as they saw no sign of David anywhere. They were still looking for him when they saw Sil tilting downward as she aimed herself toward one of the huge glaciers flowing down from the nearby mountains. Her massive body smashed into the hard blue ice at more than a thousand miles per hour as she burrowed herself deeply into the glacier. The two supergirls followed her downward as they flew into the giant tunnel her body had carved in the ice. They had no idea what Sil had in store now, but they knew that the most important battle of their lives was at hand.

Sharon Best
Aurora Universe, Copyright 1995,1996,1997
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(Aurora Universe materials are strictly for Mature Readers over 18 years of age!)

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