See File

Adventures of Aurora Episode 07-0


(Last Revision: 26-Dec-96)

by Sharon Best

LA: Outside the Sheraton Hotel

Chris had enjoyed such a wonderful night! First he had made love most of the night long with his ‘kiraling’ girlfriend Fairchild, a woman who often went under the name Aurora, a Velorian Protector no less! An evening with her was always incredibly thrilling for him! But it had gotten so much better: their new friend Laura had not only joined in, but had even provided the greater than human strength that had made it possible for him to have sex with Fairchild without her having to use her own strength to finally reach her climax! And later, with Fairchild paving the way and spurring him on, he had joined with the young woman they had met, a supposedly ‘ordinary’ girl named Kara. A girl who had turned out not to be ordinary at all! In fact, she had nearly destroyed their bedroom in her enthusiasm over receiving the full power of his manhood, an act which should have been totally impossible for a Terran woman of any age or size! Yes, the previous night had definitely been one for the record books.

But a massive earthquake had turned the next morning into a literal disaster! There had been so many people to save, and then tragedy! The beautiful Kara was apparently burned alive by shorting millions of amperes of electricity directly through her young body! But less than ten minutes after apparently being burned to a crisp, she had hoisted a car over her head and carried it to safety before collapsing! And now Chris was confused as to how Fair and Laura were faring? The early morning had been filled with surprises, unfortunately very few of them had been pleasant.


Turning to stare across the parking lot, Chris’s focus extended beyond the highway and toward the damaged bridge. Noticing that the twin spans were sagging slightly, he was shocked to see someone that looked like Laura and several firemen suddenly diving out from under it. They had no sooner rolled across the pavement to dive behind a fire truck when flames began to rise up around the partially crushed gasoline tanker truck. It took but seconds before the flames reached the gaping tears that were visible even from here, most of them in the back of the truck. Suddenly an incredible explosion of flame blotting out Chris’s view of the bridge!

Flaming debris began clattering down on the roadways for a hundred feet in every direction, a sudden gap in the flames allowing Chris to see the truck cab surging forward powerfully, the massive tractor smashing into the remaining supports for the bridge!

His breath froze in his lungs a moment later as he saw the entire bridge tilting crazily back and forth to each side, a hundred cracks appearing in the concrete before the entire structure suddenly split in half and collapsed down onto the roadway! He felt the ground shuddering strongly under the massive impact of the bridge even before the sound reached him, and he was several blocks away!

His mouth hung open as he watched pieces of the gas truck exploding outward a second time, this time even more energetically as the thousands of gallons of gasoline it was carrying joined into the immense conflagration.

My God,” he whispered to himself, a growing panic building in his chest. “Fair and Laura had been under there only a few moments before.” He prayed that they had been able to get out in time, yet had only seen one woman diving out from under the bridge before the truck blew. And if either of the women was trapped under the bridge it would have to be Fair. After all, she had been trying to hold the bridge up with just the power of her muscles, with her wild alien strength!

A cold spear of agony seemed to pierce his chest as he somehow sensed that much of the incredible earth shattering vibration he was feeling was actually being conducted directly through Fair’s body. His newfound empathic abilities allowed him to tune into Fair as he had done so many times before, this time to sense that most of the weight of the bridge had transferred to her body as one of the massive concrete beams had landed directly on top of her bare breasts!

Chris sat down hard on the grass, his breathing labored as he forced himself to thing of something else, finally pulling his eyes away from the bright conflagration, knowing that there was nothing he could do to help them from here. And while Fair didn’t really have to breath, he most certainly did! He wasn’t frantic with worry though, he knew how incredibly hard it was to actually injure Fair. He would just have to wait for the flames to die down to help get her out.

Turning to look down beside him, he started to walk over to where Kara lay moaning on her back, her body spread out on the lush grass. Leaning down, he tried talk to her, but she was still completely incoherent, her lips speaking in a language he didn’t understand for a moment, the only recognizable word seemed to be that of ‘SuperGirl’ . Reaching his arm under her bare legs, he saw the final fragments of her burned clothing falling to the ground as he prepared to pick her up. Flexing his strong back, he picked her up in his arms, surprised at her weight as he held her to his chest; she was a lot heavier than she looked. Ignoring his burden, he literally ran back up his hotel room.

Kicking the door open with his enhanced strength, he lay the girl gently on the oversized bed, noticing that she still seemed to be in some kind of daze, mumbling incoherently about someone or something called an ‘Arion’. Searching through the drawers for something to cover her with, he found only a large pool towel. It was enough to cover her chest down to mid-thigh. Tucking it in around her body, he turned away to start rummaging through Fair’s things, looking for some clothes that might fit this teenage girl.

He rummaged through the various drawers without obvious success, the clothing either far too sensual for such a young girl or else too large. Fair was about 4” taller than Kara with a more dramatic figure. He was just opening the last closet when the room door banged open and Laura ran in. She was out of breath, taking big gulps of air as she tried to talk.

“Chris, you need to help me! Fair is trapped under the bridge. Oh God, the gas truck exploded and she fell backwards just before the entire thing came down on her. I waited and waited, but she’s been under there for such a long time now, it doesn’t look like she can get out on her own. You’ve got to help me find a way to help her!!” Her voice was frantic as she grabbed Chris’ arm and tried to drag him toward the door, her grip painfully tight.

Despite the cold stab of fear that he felt, Chris forced himself to maintain his composure, knowing that he had to calm Laura down.

“Now hold on a moment, Laura, we both know that Fair is pretty hard to injure, maybe even impossible, although its not that unusual for her to pass out for a while if she’s under a lot of physical stress. Just slow down for a moment and tell me exactly what happened.”

“OK…ok… I was trying to pull everyone out from under the bridge. Fair was holding almost the whole weight of that damn bridge up with just her arms and legs, it was unbelievable, she must have been holding millions of pounds! Her body was really straining, shaking even, but she was still holding it when this gas tank truck that was right next to her just blew up! The pieces of the truck went everywhere and the cab flew forward, the truck’s bumper clipping the backs of her legs and knocking out the last support that was helping her hold the bridge up!”

“That was the last thing I saw before the whole bridge smashed down flat onto the roadbed! I was lucky I didn’t get fried or crushed myself, I had to really run for it! And now, I just don’t think she can get out on her own. I mean, she was really struggling with it before it fell, it was clear to everyone that she couldn’t really hold that much weight all by herself. And the bridge looks like it’s laying flat against the roadbed!!”

Chris shook his head slowly, Laura had painted a pretty grim picture. Yet he wasn’t about to give up hope, he had already seen Fairchild do some pretty amazing things when she was appearing as Aurora. There was every reason to believe that she was still OK. He looked back at Kara as he put his arm around Laura’s shoulder.

“Well, Laura, we aren’t going to be able to do anything until those flames die down… besides, I think Fair is invulnerable to almost anything on this planet. And we’ve got another problem here as well. It sounds too incredible to be true, but Kara here fell on those high tension power lines a little while ago! Her whole body was on fire for a while as she absolutely frozen to the wires, a death grip. I couldn’t do a thing as she just lay there in the road in spasm’s for nearly five minutes!”

“Finally, she quit moving; I thought for sure that she was dead! But then, a few minutes later, she just jumped back to her feet and rescued some people who had driven over the power lines. And she did it by literally picking their car up over her head and walking across the road with it! I don’t know what the hell is going on here, Laura, but I swear she looked as strong as Fair there for a few moments!”

They both looked down at Kara as she sat huddled under the huge towel. The poor girl certainly didn’t look much like an alien super being right now as they saw the towel shaking slightly as her head slumped down over her chest, her blonde hair all frizzed up. Chris kneeled down in front of her and put his hands on her knees as he tried to get her to talk coherently to him. He was pleased to see that she was now at least able to focus her eyes on his for a moment. Her hand finally reached shakily out from under the towel to hold his as she attempted to smile at him. Yet her lips could only twist into a crooked grin as he saw that she still didn’t have proper control over her muscles.

Besides that, her hand was still shaking slightly as she held his. Laura sat down on the bed as well as she hugged Kara tightly to herself, the girl’s head falling to the side to rest on Laura’s shoulder as her amazingly bright green eyes smiled back at Chris. Good… she seemed to be coming back around now!

Chris was still amazed, trying to figure out in his own mind if the incredible strength he had just seen her display was some kind of adrenaline action or if she was indeed capable of doing that again. Yet adrenaline didn’t explain being able to lift and balance a car full of people over her head! No way.

He suddenly had an idea as he stood up and walked out into the hallway, sprinting down to the open area near the elevators where he had seen some men working. He looked around guiltily before grabbing a very large wrecking bar from the floor, shifting the heavy steel in his hands as he walked back to their room.

Kara was gradually beginning to become coherent now as the effects of the electrical shock were wearing off. Her body was still shaking slightly, but not nearly as much as a few minutes ago. Looking up as she saw Chris coming back into the room, she saw that he had a huge crowbar in his hands. Walking over to stand in front of her, he reached out to give it to her as Laura continued to hug her shoulders tightly.

“Kara, do you remember lifting that car down there in the parking lot?” Chris asked.

“I,I guess I do,” she stuttered as she struggled to speak. “It,it was really weird. M,my body felt like it was on fire for a while until everything just went black.”

Pausing to wet her lips, she continued. “Suddenly, I woke up feeling better than I ever have in my whole life. I figured that I… that I was dead or something at first as my body felt like it was nearly weightless when I stood up.”

She closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to sort out the confusing thoughts and memories. “I remember seeing the people in the car getting electrocuted and it somehow just seemed totally natural for me to walk over and pick the car up off those power cables! What was really incredible, Chris, was that the car didn’t even feel heavy to me, the steel scrunching up in my grip like it was only aluminum foil, the weight almost as if the car was made of Styrofoam!”

Chris nodded slowly, a sudden wild thought crossing his mind. He had heard Fair describing her own strength with similar words. Could Kara be a Velorian as well?! It seemed too incredible, but after being around Fairchild for a while, the horizons of his possibilities had been greatly expanded.

“Here,” he said as he handed her the crowbar. Let’s see if you’re still as strong as you were a few minutes ago. See if you can bend this bar… or do anything with it.”

Kara held it in her hands as she tested it for a moment. A soft mischievous smile crossed her lips as she felt it give a little. Yeah, this was going to be easy. Reaching forward with it as she looked up with her large green eyes to meet Chris’, she suddenly twisted the crowbar in both hands, noticing that it felt like it was simply made of a firm rubber or plastic material… something like that. And while she had to exert herself a fair bit, she found that she could easily bend it in her hands, although the steel groaned and creaked loudly while she was twisting it. Twisting her wrists back and forth a few times, she effortlessly bent the special steel into a knot before handing the now very warm crowbar back to Chris.

“You mean something like that,” she said as she grinned at him, the shocked look on his face making her giggle for a moment.

Chris was astounded as he saw her bending it without even appearing to work hard at it! Her towel fell partially open at the same time, allowing him to catch a glimpse of her strong arm and chest muscles flexing far more strongly than they should have! That quick glimpse had revealed that her arms looked nearly as powerfully muscled as Fair’s did!

At the same time, her arms still wrapped around the girl, Laura was astounded as she felt her young body rippling with wild muscularity, the contours of her hard curvaceous body so noticeable under the towel! For a moment there, her body felt just like Fair’s!


They all stared at each other as it slowly dawned on all three of them that Kara must be related to Fair in some way! And while none of them specifically knew what she could do to help rescue Fair, they knew that this young girl had the power to do something!

For her part, Kara clearly remembered the incredible sense of power that she had felt while lifting that car over her head. The most wonderful feeling of warmth had flowed through her body, her muscles feeling almost that warm once again as she finished bending the crowbar. She still didn’t know exactly what she should be doing to help Fair, but she was certainly willing to try anything that Chris suggested!

Chris wasn’t exactly sure what to do with her either, yet he knew that they could do far more than just sit in this hotel room! Walking over to the closet, he pulled out some exotic costumes that he had recently ordered for Fairchild, the costumes designed by a friend of his who worked in the movie costume business.

Kara didn’t wait to look through them, she impatiently grabbed the first one that Chris laid on the bed. Turning her back to Chris, she dropped the pool towel onto the floor. Her keen hearing heard the quick intake of his breath, the more rapid beat of his heart.

Chris was astonished as his eyes traveled down the maze of tight strong muscles along her back, her spine deeply embedded, her gorgeously tanned back startling him with her strength and her beauty. Following the curves of her back down, he felt his heart pounding in his chest as his eyes reached her round tight ass. He certainly didn’t remember her looking like this the night before!

He found himself just staring at her open-mouthed as she reached down to pull on a pair of skin-tight high-heeled red boots. They came up above her knees. His eyes opened even wider when he saw her blond bush showing between her strong beautiful legs as she bent over! Swallowing hard, he watched as she stood back up and pulled a blue and red skin-tight leotard down over her body. She seemed to struggle a bit to adjust it until she finally noticed that it didn’t seem to be cut properly!

Looking back down at herself, Kara realized with a shock that it had been designed to leave her breasts and stomach nearly completely bare! The inside edges of the skintight fabric just barely gripped the edges of her firm nipples, leaving the center of her body bare from her head down to her lower abdomen. She turned her head toward Chris while giving him a questioning look. Chris just shrugged his shoulders, both of them turning toward the window when Laura started shouting at both of them to hurry up.

Kara glanced at her appearance in the mirror once again and realized that Chris clearly had NOT intended for Fair to wear this costume in public! She shrugged as she flipped her long blond hair over the red and blue cape, realizing that she didn’t have time to change again now. She began chuckling; it was fun to have caught Chris out like this, wearing a fantasy costume that had clearly intended to never travel outside a bedroom! Maybe older people weren’t always as stuffy as she sometimes thought they were! Besides, how she looked was not as important as what she could do, there were people who were going to die if she didn’t get moving… possibly even her new friend Fairchild!

Turning around to face Chris, she felt her tiny skirt flying up from the movement of her firm hips. She followed his eyes as they ran up and down her body, a very apparent bulge making itself visible in his pants! Giving him a dazzling smile as she brushed by him, Kara innocently brushed one of her nearly bare breasts against his upper arm, glancing back at him again to give him another beautiful yet suggestive smile! Then, without another word, she grabbed a very surprised Laura and pulled her out through the tenth floor window, the older woman’s gurgling and surprised gasp amusing her.

Falling rapidly for a few floors, Kara began to flex her legs, her body suddenly slowing to a stop to land lightly down to the street below! Laura was no more astounded than Kara as the young girl instinctively flew slowly downward from the upper floors of the building! Kara had quite thoughtlessly leapt from a high window, just ASSUMING she could fly… and found that she COULD! It was as if she had had these incredible powers all her life, and knew exactly how to handle them! Even if she didn’t have the slightest memory of having such abilities before this!

Ignoring her doubts, she carried Laura in her arms as she flew easily across the highway to land lightly in front of the fallen bridge. She set Laura back on her feet, and they both walked around the mass of cooling concrete. They were both looking for a way to get under it, but it appeared impossible, the huge span having fallen flat onto the highway before trapping Fair. Deciding the only approach available was to clear out some of the rubble, Laura motioned to Kara to help her as she reached down to lift a large section of concrete that must have weighed more than a ton! She suddenly felt a need to exert herself as well.

Straining to barely raise her side off the ground, Laura immediately found that it was even heavier than she had expected. She was really straining, the block of concrete barely moving, when Kara reached down and lifted up the other side as if it were weightless!

The sudden tilting of the concrete block threw Laura off balance, her legs slipping such that she fell backward to land on her ass on the cement, the huge section of concrete threatening to fall on her legs!

Yet Kara simply acted as if the huge block was made of styrofoam, reaching her arm further underneath the concrete while lifting the entire several ton block easily into the air over her head.

Laura stared up at her in shock. The muscles of the girl’s shoulders and back were flexing amazingly large as she balanced the slab over her head while turning around, revealing her nearly bare back and her very bare legs. Staring open mouthed up at the contours of the girl’s amazing legs, Laura watching her muscles bunching and relaxing as she walked a few steps away.

Kara knew that the block was incredibly heavy, her body flexing in ways she had never felt before, as she looked around for a place to set it down. She was surrounded by cars and gathering crowds of people, the only safe place being an open field about 200’ away. Balancing carefully, she slowly stretched her arms far behind her head, her chest rising up in the air as her upper body flexed massively, her abs suddenly flexing into a rippling washboard, as she easily threw the massive concrete block the full distance without taking another step forward! The incredible impact shook the ground, almost as if the earthquake was starting again!

Turning back around, Kara walked over to the bridge, reaching down to grab the side of the massive span as she tried with all her strength to lift it. Laura, still sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, was astounded as she saw how large the muscles of Kara’s arms and back flexed as she strained herself! She looked nearly as muscular as Fair did when she was exerting herself! It didn’t take her more than a few seconds to realize that her muscles had the same characteristics that Fair’s did in that she displayed several times greater expansion between her relaxed and flexed muscles than any Terran woman. It suddenly became startling clear to Laura that Kara had the same genetic background as Fair! My God, there WERE aliens among us!

Meanwhile, as Laura struggled with her amazing realization, Kara struggled with the bridge, actually managing to lift it a few inches before it became far too heavy for her to continue. She tried again and again, but only succeeded in making herself increasingly angry, the young girl finally losing her patience as she started cursing loudly, getting really red in the face. She finally lost all control of her temper and smashed her fist into the concrete in frustration!

Her fist hit it so hard that the resulting shock wave knocked Laura back off her feet just as she was standing up! She also saw how a large piece of the reinforced concrete had broken off from Kara’s blow and that a long crack had begun forming along one side of the bridge. Laura realized what this meant, and quickly leapt back to her feet.

“Again, Kara! Hit it again,” she said excitedly, “just where you did before!”

Kara glanced at the older woman, sharing a smile of realization before she smashed her fist against the same spot again, this time so hard that everyone within several hundred feet of her could hear and feel the impact through their feet! She had to hit the bridge four or five times before her fist was able to form a deep and substantial crack in the concrete. Stopping for a moment, she squeezed her fingers into the jagged crack, taking a deep breath while she flexed her back muscles, pulling her hands apart as she tried to open the crack up a bit wider.

Standing behind her, Laura again was shocked as she saw Kara’s back turn into a beautiful mass of rippling muscles, the impossible curves starting from her shoulders and traveling down to her buttocks! At the same time, the huge bridge gave off a deep groaning sound, the ground shaking as the incredible strength of young Kara’s body began to tear the steel reinforcement bars apart!

Kara kept pulling the crack open wider and wider until it was finally large enough for her to squeeze her shoulders into. Working her way into the crack, she ignored the ragged ends of the torn rebars as they ripped open the top of her costume, one of them digging deeply into her left breast. Sucking her chest in, she twisted herself sideways in the crack, the strength of her body now applied between her back and her soft breast as the ragged steel rebar was pressed deeply into it.

Kara’s soft breast kept compressing against the torn steel rebar until the steel was pressing against her much firmer underlying muscles. Casually applying the strength of those muscles against the 4” thick steel bar, her breast transmitted the strain to the bridge as she began bending the bar back against the concrete. Looking down in amusement, she saw the steel bar deeply dimpling her breast, taking a deep breath as she flexed her chest as hard as she could while wedged her body deeper into the crack. Twisting herself, she felt the massive concrete structure groan and tearing apart as her soft breast and strong shoulder were pressed against the opposite sides of the bridge. She could feel and hear an incredible tearing sound as the concrete and rebars tore apart under the immense pressure of her amazing muscles!

The crack was now open wide enough for her to turn and put her shoulders against each side. Facing outward as she braced her arms against the opposite sides of the crack, she was just getting ready to really exert herself when she looked up to see several TV crews filming her! Looking back down at herself, she saw that her torn costume was clearly displaying her now very bare breasts. Flushing brightly, she realized just how revealing this costume was, especially now with the top ripped open like this!

Despite her embarrassment, Kara was surprised to feel herself getting slightly aroused as she watched the faces of the TV crew as they stared at her while she used her body to tear the bridge apart! It felt incredibly good to use her muscles like this, an act that was somehow even more exciting and sexy as she wore this torn costume, the eyes of all these men, all those viewers, staring at her!

Blinking her eyes to clear her thoughts, she turned and leaned her back up against the cracked concrete while bracing her legs against the other side of the crack. Finally pausing for a moment, she reached down to rip her knee-high boots off so that her legs were bare.

Reaching down, she lifted her gorgeous legs upward until her knees were pressing firmly against her breasts and her feet were pushing against the torn concrete on the opposite side of the crack. She then started to push as hard as she could with the far stronger muscles of her legs.

She was immediately rewarded with a much louder tearing sound this time as the ground literally shook from the forces she was applying to split the bridge apart. Her long beautiful legs exploded into ripples of solid steel muscle as she pitted the strength of her gorgeously alien legs against the steel reinforced concrete of the bridge! It was no contest, the incredible strength of her long legs soon proved sufficient to split the entire bridge into two sections as the steel rebars groaned and screamed under the irresistible power of her star-born muscles!

Kara continued this process several times over the next five minutes as she kept working herself deeper and deeper into the crack, the bridge finally splitting into two sections. Squeezing herself out from the crack, she walked over to where she had tried to lift it before, the span now half the weight it had been before. She couldn’t help but notice that several TV crews were now filming her every move as she leaned down once again, her legs straight, her tiny skirt rising up over her firm ass enough to ensure that she lost most of her remaining modesty! Straining her back and legs, she again tried to lift the span upward!

This part of the bridge still weighed more than two million pounds, yet it slowly groaned upward off the ground as the young girl’s beautiful muscles flexed from her shoulders down to her calves. Struggling to get it waist high, she heard Laura yelling at her to her to raise it higher yet.

Her arms were really shaking from the strain as she rested some of the weight against her left hip for a moment, taking some of the strain off her arms. She suddenly bent her legs down into a deep knee bend as she quickly reversed her hands so that her palms were pushed forward under the edge of the bridge. She now had the difficult challenge of lifting two million pounds of bridge up from a deep knee bend position!

Flexing her legs with more difficulty this time, she felt and heard the tendons cracking and popping in her knees, her beautiful legs exploding again into a massive display of muscles as the cameras zoomed in on them.

Turning her head to glance at the TV news crews, she realized that she was probably on live network TV even now. She felt a heady mixture of pride and embarrassment as she realized that there were quite a few people who were going to recognize her, despite, or maybe because of her abbreviated clothing! She also had this truly amusing thought of how weird it was going to be to go to work with them the next day, especially after they had seen her do this!

Shaking her head, her long blond hair flying about her nearly bare shoulders, she turned her attention back to the job at hand, finding that her legs were just barely strong enough to raise it from that difficult position. She had to strain for all she was worth as she slowly raised the massive bridge off the roadway. Her trembling legs were finally straight and her knees were locked as she rested part of the weight against her upper chest, the rough concrete grinding against her bare breasts. Resting about half the weight onto the shelf of her protruding chest, she was surprised that it didn’t hurt even though some of the concrete was crumbling from the pressure!

Meanwhile, Laura was trying to crawl under the bridge, sliding in on her stomach as she kept calling out for Kara to lift it even higher.

“Damn it, Laura,” the young girl gasped back at her, “I’m already having trouble holding this. God DAMN…! Curse loudly, she took all the weight back onto her hands as she put everything she had into lifting it up above her chest, her breathe coming fast and hard. She was immediately rewarded with the sight of the bridge rising higher as her hands rose from her chest up to shoulder height.

The sweat was now flowing down her arms and back in tiny rivulets as she strained her back and shoulders, drops also falling from her pointy nipples. Slowly raising her hands higher and higher, she finally was able to extend her arms nearly straight above her body. She was now holding the entire two million pounds of the bridge over her head, her arms shaking wildly, her legs threatening to slip from beneath her.

She gasped a warning with the last air in her lungs. "Laura… get your ass in gear I can’t hold this thing… not for more than a few more seconds… HURRY!”

Laura was already dragging Fair’s unconscious body behind her as she looked out at the light to see Kara’s powerful legs slowly bending backwards! It was clear that she was losing her balance and couldn’t hold it much longer! Thinking only of her friend, her lover, she grabbed Fair with both hands and threw her toward the daylight at the side of the bridge! Scuttling forward, Laura saw her body sliding free of the bridge just as Kara slowly toppled backwards toward the ground!

Laura suddenly had the terrifying realization that she wasn’t going to make it, her body scrunching down as the bridge dropped, feeling an immense blow against her back as her face was smashed down into the hard concrete. She screamed with the last air in her collapsing lungs as an unbelievable force suddenly landed on her back, an incredible wash of warmth flowing through her body at the same time. Then… darkness!

Kara slowly fell backwards onto the ground, every muscle on her body flexing uselessly now as she lost her balance, the massive structure falling nearly seven feet straight down! Everyone within several hundred feet of it were thrown off their feet by the immense force of the impact!

Kara gasped and then screamed as she leapt back to her feet, very aware that Laura hadn’t made it out! Reached down, she smashed her fingers into the concrete, gripping it with her amazing hands as she tried to lift it again. She couldn’t budge it, her trembling muscles had little strength left! Throwing her small body ineffectually against the massive bridge again and again, she tried to move or lift it. Yet nothing happened, she simply had too little strength left!

Squinting her eyes, she was amazed as she suddenly had a clear vision of the underside of the bridge, her stomach suddenly flip-flopping as she saw Laura’s crushed body laying under the bridge. She was directly underneath one of the huge beams that had itself crushed down to land on the roadbed, her body partially collapsed as it pinned her to the roadway. She didn’t have to lift it or get any closer to her to know that the bridge had claimed at least one casualty today!

Suddenly feeling sick to her stomach, she leaned against the bridge, the contents of her late dinner splashing again and again against the concrete. It was a couple of minutes later before the spasm’s stopped, finally turning around to pick up Fair’s unconscious body… she HAD to get away from this place!

Her eyes were filled with tears as she now knew that there was nothing she could do for Laura! She was just about to leap upward and fly away when one of the TV reporters stepped closely in front of her, thrusting out his mike as he tried to get a word with her.

He barely noticed Kara’s moist green eyes glaring at him as she reached out to grab him by the front of his jacket, lifting him high over her head. “Get out of my way”, she hissed at him. “If you people want to make yourself useful, go and help some of those people instead of hassling ME.” With that, she tossed him backward nearly twenty feet to land on top of his cameraman, the two of them collapsing onto the soft grass in a tangle of bruised arms and legs.

Flexing her long legs again, Kara leapt into the air, quickly flying to the hotel and back in through the smashed tenth floor window to land directly in front of a very surprised Chris. Placing Fair gently on the bed, she noticed that the Velorian was finally breathing again. Yet despite an ugly bruise across her chest where the beam had fallen on her, she otherwise appeared uninjured. Chris sat down on the bed beside her as he watched while she stirred slightly, reaching down to hold her in his arms.

Kara meanwhile had walked over to look at herself in the mirror. She was shocked as she saw how much her body had changed since this morning. Her muscles were obviously still pumped up from lifting the bridge, her astounded eyes traveling over the layers of pronounced smooth muscles that she saw now saw flexing from her head to her toes. She was shocked as she realized that she looked almost identical to a blond bodybuilder she had recently seen on the TV show about Hercules or Xena or something like that! The only difference she could see was that her own breasts were much larger than that blonde actress; otherwise they looked a lot alike!

Yet as she continued to stand and look at herself, she saw her body relaxing, her muscles seemingly shrinking, her arms and legs soon looking nearly like they had before. She once again looked like the swimsuit and fashion model that she was. Giggling, she realized that her dream of being a ‘supermodel’ had finally been fulfilled, the ‘super’ being her muscles if not her popularity!

She turned back to look at Chris and Fairchild as she was suddenly shaken off her feet by a strong aftershock. She suddenly had no patience for this place anymore. Leaping lithely back to her feet, she walked back over to Chris as he sat on the bed holding Fair.

“Chris, lets get the HELL out of here! This whole building feels like its going to fall down during the next aftershock.”

Chris shook his head as he continued to look down at Fair. “No, Kara, I’m not going anywhere until she wakes up. Moving her is the last thing we need to do right now. I’m not even sure if she has any broken bones or anything. Besides, Laura isn’t back here yet.”

Pausing, Kara stared at him, not knowing how to say this. She finally decided she had to just say it. “Laura isn’t coming back, “ Kara said softly. “She was still under the bridge when I lost control of it. She’s gone, Chris, I’m sorry, there was nothing I could do.”

Chris suddenly looked up, his eyes wide, staggered by her words; Laura dead! He couldn’t understand how this could have happened.

“What the hell did you do to her, Kara? Are you sure there wasn’t anything you could do? After all, you got Fair out from under the bridge.”

“Chris, she couldn’t withstand the full weight of the bridge like Fair could. Thousands of tons of concrete fell directly on her. I’m sorry, Chris, there really isn’t anything we can do. I used my super vision to look at her body. Trust me, she didn’t feel any pain!”

Chris had tears in his eyes as he shook off the grisly image of Laura’s crushed body, struggling to pull his thoughts back to the living, to Fairchild. He quickly told Kara about the house that Fair and he had bought on Hawaii and the lava pool that she always used to restore her energy. He told her that they needed to get Fair there.

“I guess we do need to go,” he said distractedly, still in shock. “But we can’t just leave Laura behind this way.”

“Chris, I told you there is nothing we can do for her. We’re leaving, now,” Kara said as she felt a quick flash of anger, suddenly not wanting to argue with this Terran man. Terran man, she thought to herself, where did THAT term come from! Shaking her head to clear it, she continued. “Come one, Chris, there isn’t anything we can do here.”

Nudging Chris to the side with her hip, she leaned over to pick Fair up from the bed to throw her over her shoulder. Without another word, she wrapped her arm around Chris at the same time as his arms flexed with his enhanced strength, trying to push her away. Ignoring his comparatively weak protest, she launched herself right out through the open window, flying up into the bright morning sunshine.

Chris was still struggling and protesting as Kara climbed higher and higher into the sky, gradually flexing the muscles in her powerful legs as she used that strength to accelerate their bodies to incredible velocities.

Dropping down once she had cleared the shore, Kara soon saw the traces of a shock wave whipping up the water behind her as she went supersonic at only a few hundred above the wavetops as she went supersonic! Looking upward, she began to soar, climbing and accelerating until she found that they were mostly out of the atmosphere. She was now on a suborbital trajectory that would end in Hawaii a little more than ten minutes later!

She saw that Chris had passed out from lack of oxygen, but she figured that his nearly invulnerable body would be able to survive for a while in near vacuum. It was ten minutes later when she finally began descending back into the atmosphere, their bodies beginning to glow red hot from the re-entry friction. Slowing them down as much as she could, trying to keep from injuring the more fragile male, they were still moving at more than Mach 3 as she crossed over the coast of the island, her eyes searching for a house that matched Chris’s description. She finally found it, sitting alone out on a huge point of volcanic rock, the cliffs falling away for hundreds of feet, dropping down to the ocean on three sides of it.

A mighty flex of her gorgeous legs finally braked them to a stop at the back of the house Chris as they tumbled onto the soft grass. Setting her cargo down, she saw that both Chris and Fair were unconscious now. Shrugging, she walked over and broke the locks on the back of the house with her fingers, returning to carry the two of them inside. Dropping Chris on the couch, she squinted her eyes, scanning the structure of the house. The entire building suddenly looked like a 3D drawing on a computer, the walls melting away to a wire-drawing, her keen eyes finally locating a curving stairway that had been carved into the hard basalt rock that the house stood upon. Realizing that this was the way to the lava stream, she walked over to open the hidden door, carrying Fair two hundred feet down the long curving stairway.

It was several hours later and Fair was definitely coming around. Kara had immersed both their bodies in the hot lava until their skin was glowing almost the same color as the molten rock. The bruise on Fair’s chest seemed to magically disappear as she recovered her strength and started to wake up. Kara also felt her body bubbling with energy again as she now realized that she had to use energy sources like this when she was exerting herself the way she had back in LA. The reason she had lost control of the bridge and couldn’t lift it again wasn’t that her muscles were tired, that was impossible, but that she had run out of energy!

The two of them talked softly, Fairchild drifting in and out, her body still in shock. For her part, Kara was not in the mood to discuss what had happened to Laura. She somehow felt guilty for deserting her even though she knew, in her own mind, that there really hadn’t been anything that she could have done for her. She decided that she would let Chris tell Fair about it. Mumbling some vague excuse to Fairchild as she floated sleepily on the lava, she streaked up out of the house, not even pausing to say a word to Chris before she began a very fast trip back to LA.


It was still early in the afternoon when the sonic boom from Kara’s arrival back in the LA rattled the windows from Malibu, down along the coast to Hermosa Beach. She was still wearing this silly costume that Chris had given her, but it was now severely burned from her re-entry friction, a few charred fragments was all that was left to cover her waist. She flew quickly through an open upstairs window, glad that she lived down over in Hermosa… the earthquake hadn’t done nearly as much damage here. Stripping off the remains of her costume and dropping them into the trash, she slipped into the usual clothes she wore around the house, a comfortable pair of cutoffs and a T-shirt. Walking over to listen to her phone messages, she was shocked to find that her usually mostly empty machine was now jammed with messages from the people she worked with! And Jeff had called three times, he was the guy she had been dating recently.

They had all seen someone on TV that looked amazingly like her, and they couldn’t believe what they had seen this girl do! Nobody actually came out and asked if she was that girl, but several people implied it before they started to sound a little embarrassed.

Listening to message after message, Kara suddenly realized that she had a problem here. She could either pretend it wasn’t her and continue on with her life, albeit with maybe an alter-ego. She had seen comics that handled this situation like that.

The other option was to simply acknowledge that it was her and not confuse her life with multiple identities, etc. It didn’t take her long to decide to do the later. She had become used to people staring at her all her life, both because of her blond sexy good looks and because she made a living accenting and displaying other people’s clothing and fashions with her body. She didn’t really look all that much different now, she just had some very different physical abilities.

The last message on her machine was the most interesting, other than Jeff’s sexy innuendo’s. It was from a very well-known movie producer offering her a staring role in a movie about her life! She smiled as she again appreciated how fast the movie business in LA reacted to current events! The city was just starting to pick up from a devastating earthquake and here this guy was, offering to make a movie about her! And he didn’t even know if she was ‘real’. He was just betting on the come.

She chuckled to herself as she realized how little they would have to spend on props and special effects to make such a movie; hell, they wouldn’t need any, she could certainly do her own stunts! Writing his number down, she began calling her amazed friends and co-workers back to let them know that she was indeed the SuperGirl they had seen on TV today! There was more than a little pride in her voice as she answered a hundred questions!

It was two hours later before she finished talking about herself to her friends. Telling everyone that she wanted to be alone for the night, she turned off her phone so that she could sit back and reflect on the day. She then made the mistake of turning the TV on.

The news was showing continuously on all channels, mostly about the earthquake, but more than a fair bit of it was dedicated to some rather amazing coverage of Fair and herself! In fact, they were getting more press than the victims of the earthquake! LA television had always been exploitive and earthquakes weren’t exactly uncommon, so they were focusing in on her instead!

It didn’t take more than a minute or two to realize that they were exploiting how she had looked in that tiny costume, a succession of very clear closeups flashing across the screen, mostly of her bare breasts and powerfully flexing muscles. She saw views of herself from every possible vantage point!

The views finally zoomed in to a bunch of close-ups that were supposed to be documenting how she had pulled Fair out from under the bridge. There was also a fair bit of coverage of Fair as she stood lifting the bridge without any clothes on at all!

This was clearly a bonanza for the networks. Despite the nudity, this was news and they could justify using the footage on normal newscasts. Staring at the screen in amazement, she saw how they were hyping both her strength and her beauty as there were many slow motion sequences of her muscles flexing while she was lifting the bridge.

Kara was actually startled as she watched the TV and saw how large and defined her muscles had become while she did that! She had seen a glimpse of her pumped body in the mirror back in the hotel room, but had had no idea how large her muscles had really flexed while she was exerting her maximum strength! The view of her long blond hair flowing down over her back as her massive rippling muscles flexed was an incredible image! She almost felt detached from the scene as she watched herself performing the seemingly impossible task of lifting an entire highway bridge.

She saw how it was an incredibly compelling image of female strength, beauty and power! Remembering the evening before as she had explored Fair’s body with her hands, she knew how much that had affected her, the concept of a woman that beautiful and that strong! She could only imagine what ordinary Terrans were thinking about her own body now as they watched her on TV like this!

She took her eyes off the TV while reaching her right arm up to make a muscle. She was astounded as her arm exploded into muscles that looked as if they belonged on a bodybuilder, the sleeve of her T-shirt stretching and then tearing open as her huge bicep rose high into the air! Reaching up with her other hand to hold herself, she was surprised as her hand proved to be too small to surround even the top of her huge bicep! She looked down over her shoulder at the awesome peak of her bicep as she relaxed and flexed her arm several times. The change from her slim lithe arm to this massively muscled one when she flexed it was simply unbelievable, freaky… almost scary! Yet she felt herself getting a little turned on as she felt how hard and smooth her bicep felt under her soft skin! It was like polished living chrome steel!

There was no doubt in her mind now that she was indeed different than any woman she had ever seen, except perhaps for Aurora. However, since she had grown up with fairly normal abilities, she had no idea what to do with this incredible super strength she now had. Shrugging, she decided she didn’t care, at least not now. She was just a stronger version of the girl she had always been. Nothing had to change, she would just carry on in her life as before.

She was still curled up on the couch, watching herself on TV, when the doorbell rang. Sighing while shaking off the dreamlike state she was in, she used her vision to look through the door, suddenly excited to see Jeff standing outside her door! The two of them had been dating for the last couple of months. They had met while working out together down at the club and had recently come back from spending a week together down in Mexico, it had been a week of wild and crazy lovemaking, the two of them having explored the endless beaches and the long reefs just offshore. Putting the confusion of watching herself on TV, the sense of unreality, she suddenly wanted nothing more than to be back in his comfortable arms again!

Kara literally ran across the floor as she opened the door so fast that he was sucked forward and off his feet by the vacuum! Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him so enthusiastically that she lifted him completely off his feet!

Jeff struggled playfully with her for a moment before he realized he was helpless in her grasp, finally relaxing himself until she set him down. Her arm was tightly around his waist as they walked back into the living room.

Her blue eyes sparkling, she put one finger to her lip to tell him to be quiet when he started to speak, her fingers moving rapidly as she started to undress him, all the while leading him toward the bathroom. He was fully undressed him by the time they got to the bathroom. Turning the water, Kara turned back to face him, her back leaning against the shower door.

Crossing her hands over her chest, she began to slowly and sensually peel off her own clothes as she watched his excited eyes running over her. This time, she didn’t undo anything, she just used her amazing strength to slowly and effortlessly tear her Jeans and T-shirt from her body. The fabric ripped slowly and noisily as she watched his eyes while they watched her, seeing them focus on her pronounced muscles as she displayed a portion of her new strength!

The last torn fragment of her former clothing having pooled against her ankles, she reached out to take his hand, leading him into the shower. Turning her back to the spray, she leaned her head back while reaching her arms up over her shoulders to wet her long blond hair. The shower wasn’t very big and Jeff couldn’t avoid looking down as her breasts swelled upward when she leaned back like that. He picked up the soap and began to soap up his hands as he started to run them gently over the front of her body.

He was astounded at how firm her breasts felt now and at the changes in her muscles! She was definitely not the same girl he had been dating for the last months! His hands traveled over the incredible contours of her chest, again and again, as he absorbed the amazing changes in her body!

Holding the bar of soap, he began running it over her shoulders and down over her strong arms. His hands traced over every inch of her as he slowly washed her body clean, pausing as his hands held her firm upper arms. She smiled at him, remembering his fantasies about very strong women. His soapy hands paused to surround her firm but relaxed biceps.

The motion of his hands was not lost on Kara. They had watched some bodybuilding contests together and she knew how impressed he had been with the women’s physiques, especially their biceps!

“You know, Jeff, even though I’m sixty or seventy pounds lighter than you, I bet I’ve got bigger biceps than you do now. Flex those big guns of yours for me again, babe, and let me see how big you are.”

Jeff handed her the soap as he raised his stronger right arm and flexed his bicep, proud of his superb development. He grinned happily as he saw that Kara was suitably impressed, her small soapy hand running over his big hard bicep as it peaked up from his arm. He knew how much she had always appreciated all his hard work in the gym, his body hard and lean. He could feel her fingers tracing over his smoothly stretched skin, his bicep well above average in both size and definition!

She looked at him with a twinkle in those green eyes of hers as she smiled. “I think I’ve got you beat big time now. Do you want to see?”

“Oh, god, yes”, he said in a hoarse whisper. He had always had a fantasy about being with a woman who was even bigger than he was, who was stronger than him. Kara’s slim body certainly had never challenged him in that way before!

“OK,”, she said. “Soap up your hands and put them back on my arms. I think this will surprise you a bit.”

Jeff put his soapy hands back onto her upper arms. He immediately felt her strong rounded biceps growing under his hands as she clenched her fists to make the tendons on her wrists stand out. Her biceps grew steadily larger until they began to fill his hands, her arm impossibly tripling in size and then some! She giggled at him as she saw his shocked expression, his hands now completely filled with her rounded biceps. He ran his fingers lightly along the huge cleft along the side of her arm as her warm bicep more than filled his entire huge hand!

Running his fingers down her arms, he traced the powerful tendons reaching from her biceps to the crook of her arm. Continuing downward, he traced the hard-edged muscles of her forearm as he felt the deep clefts between those muscles. His fingers finally ran up across the steel-like tendons of her wrist as he felt the steel cables that now were her tendons. Even the back of her hands looked powerful as the steely tendons stretched strongly over them as she clenched her fist.

He could not believe this was the same girl that he had made love to over a hundred times before! She had always been firm, very fit and suprisingly athletic, especially in bed. But she now felt like she was a bodybuilder when she flexed like this! He couldn’t help himself as he ran his hands back up along her arms until his hands once again surrounded her hard round biceps, each of them more than filling his large hands! She smiled as she looked down at his outstretched hands as she said, “Looks like I win, babe! Super muscles to the rescue!!”

She could feel his hard cock pressing insistently against her firm stomach as he held her biceps with all the strength in his hands. She kept her biceps flexed as best she could as she ran her hands down to place both of them around his large penis as she felt him struggling to control himself. Her soft hands were holding his cock while his hands still surrounded her fully flexed biceps! She looked down to see that the head of his penis was still free as her two hands could only contain his huge shaft, remembering the thrills that Jeff unusual endowment had always brought her.

Leaning backward slightly, she felt his hands moving back up to her chest as he once again spread the soap all over her breasts. Her firm nipples grew hard under his palms as he ran his hands over every bit of her chest. God, that feels good, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation for a few minutes before looking back up at him.

She leaned her mouth close to his ear as she whispered, “Jeff, I’m going to use my flying power to make love to you right now like you’ve never been loved before. I want you to be in complete control of my body so that I don’t hurt you! Here, put your fingers here on my nipples. Ummm, that feels good. Ok, now I want you to lift gently up on my nipples when you want me to rise and pull down gently when you want me to move downward.”

Jeff was grinning widely as he gripped her firm nipples strongly in his soapy fingers. They were far firmer than any Terran woman he had every held and much larger and firmer than they had felt the last time they had made love. He experimentally tugged upward a bit on them and was rewarded with the feeling of Kara’s body sliding upward along his. He pulled her nipples slightly toward him as she floated weightlessly over toward him until his face was pressed deeply between her soft wet breasts. His hard cock felt wonderful as it slid between her soapy thighs as she gripped him between them. He felt her reaching around behind herself to fondle the tip of his cock as it protruded between her long lithe legs. He lifted her higher as she spread her legs around him before surrounding his hips.

He was using only ounces of pressure in his fingertips to fly her weightless body around. She reached down to lightly stroke her soft hand along his cock as she lifted it very gently upward. He experimented with gently easing her body down over the head of his cock as she guided it with her hand. He gasped as he felt it gently spreading the lips of her soft labia. He teased her by moving her body up and down by only an inch or two as his cock slid gently in and out between her labia.

He grinned at her as he suddenly pulled strongly down on her nipples to force her body to drop quickly downward to plunge him deeply within her! They both gasped from the incredible sensation of his huge cock sliding into the moist sheath of her firm vagina! At the same time, he felt her nipples suddenly grow even larger and harder under his fingers!

She moaned loudly as he looked up to see that she had her eyes closed and was leaning her face back into the spray of the shower. His fingers could barely make a dent in her hard nipples now as he began to gently lift up and down on them as her body followed his fingers. He moved her nipples faster and faster as he felt her body getting more and more turned on. Her nipples were now at least an inch long as he continued to grip them ever more firmly between his thumb and forefinger.

He suddenly started to combine the movement of her body with his own as he thrust himself up against her as hard as he could while he flew her body up and down his cock with just his fingertips. They both were lost in the enthusiasm of their imminent orgasms as he heard Kara starting to cry out! He shouted as well as he suddenly thrust himself into her as hard as he could as his body went into wonderful spasms as his hot semen gushed forth deep within her.

Yet she was far from done, her soft vagina suddenly holding him so tightly that he couldn’t move anymore as he staggered backward against the wall of the shower. His hard cock was throbbing powerfully as her soft vagina vibrated along the length of him as she held him fast. He slumped slightly downward as his legs became rubbery from the force of his orgasm. Yet her legs tightened around his waist as she held him up with her flying powers.

The increasing tightness of her vagina brought him back to his senses. He could feel her love muscles rippling ever more strongly as they gripped his still hard cock, the vibrations moving up and down his cock. Her labia was now enclosing him around the base of his cock so strongly that the blood couldn’t return and he remained completely erect. Her body surged against his with more and more force as her long building climax suddenly exploded outward from deep within her.

Her arms were wrapped so tightly around him that he could hardly take a breath as she cried out with pleasure, throwing herself backward against the shower door. Her shoulder hit the door so hard that she ripped it off its hinges, her momentum carried them both out of the shower and down onto the bathroom floor. Kara hit first, her invulnerable body absorbed the impact of the fall. Lying on the floor in the midst of the broken glass, Kara’s young body held him inside her as she climaxed again and again, the hard muscles of her back grinding the glass to powder against the Mexican tile floor, his body lifted thrown around by her pelvic trusts until she was completely spent.

Lying on top of her with his full weight, making sure he didn’t get cut with the glass, Jeff was amazed. Amazed at the changes in Kara’s body since he had last met her, with the way her deeply tanned body almost seemed to glow with an inner light now -- she seemed so healthy. Amazed that he had felt like a toy in her arms, a 6 foot tall sex toy!

He was secretly thrilled at the strength in her arms as she picked him up to carry him past the broken glass of the bathroom floor, experiencing what it was like to be weaker than his partner for the first time in his life. Her warm face continued to smile at him as he couldn’t keep his hands from touching her, from touching her flexing muslces, as he tried to imagine the strength of her body!

They stayed up late that night, barely getting any sleep as they talked about what had happened to Kara and what her life would be like now. She clearly wasn’t prepared for the changes that had occurred in her body and didn’t really know what she planned to do different, at least not yet. This was all so new to her and so unexpected. Finally, as morning dawned, she told Jeff that she was just going to carry on as if nothing had happened, the two of them finally drifting off to sleep.

Kara didn’t listen to the news the next morning as she woke up late for work. She did the best she could to fuse the hinges of the shower door back together enough to keep from flooding the bathroom as she quickly got ready for work. She was thankful that her friends had not revealed her name or address to the TV stations as everything looked completely normal when she walked out to get into her car and drive to work.

She had a swimsuit modeling session scheduled for this morning and had a hastily setup meeting with that movie producer for the afternoon and evening. She had decided to take advantage of his offer to meet with her as a way to move forward her dream of someday becoming an actress.

The 405 was crowded as usual as she headed from Hermosa Beach up to Burbank, the sudden thought occurring to her that she didn’t have to depend on a car anymore if she didn’t want to. She sat in her car as it was stuck in traffic, realizing that she could get out and pick up her car and fly with it over her shoulder to work if she wanted! The thought was so amazing that she started to laugh out loud as she decided to not make such radical changes in her life just yet! Instead, she just sat patiently in the traffic and slowly drove to work like she always had.

When she finally got to work, parked her car and walked into the front door, she could see that today wasn’t going to be a normal day! Everyone she worked with at the modeling agency was there to greet her as they each seemed to have a hundred questions to ask her. Shocked, she didn’t really answer any of them at first as she walked slowly down the hall to her dressing room. She stopped at the door as she saw that someone had hung a costume that looked like the one that was used in the SuperGirl movie on her door. She picked it up as she turned around to look at everyone.

“Cute, guys,94" she said. “I suppose you think I’m going to start flying around wearing mini-skirts and capes now, like some comic book character!”

“I’d rather see you wear that little costume you wore on TV if it was up to me,” one of the guys said. The rest of the guys whistled as Kara blushed a little.

“Ah, that wasn’t really intentional on my part,” she said. “Believe it or not, it was the only thing I had to wear at the time.”

They all laughed as they realized this was undoubtedly true. They had all worked together for over a year and were pretty close. Kara had been on modeling assignments with all of them, both the men and the other women, and she didn’t have many secrets from them. They were all professionals and they had shared the same dressing rooms at times on remote shoots. They had all seen each other in various degrees of undress over that time.

“Come on, Kara, try it on. We’ve never had anyone called SuperGirl working here before. Lets see if you live up to your so far brief but glorious reputation.”

She paused and looked at the costume for a moment before saying, “Ok, guys, but just this one time so you can get this out of your system. I’m still the same girl you’ve been working with, I’m just a bit stronger now. And I am most certainly NOT just some girl named ‘SuperGirl’!“

“Right,” her friend Carol chuckled softly. “As if we all lift concrete overpasses on our days off!” Kara punched her gently in the arm as she smiled back at her. Waving the costume over her head, she ducked into the dressing room.

They all kept talking excitedly as they waited for her to come back out. Most of them realized that despite the fact that they were in the modeling business and used to being around beautiful men and women, there was something incredible about the concept of a beautiful and superhuman girl, one who was so powerful she would be like a goddess to them, one who could fly! It appealed to some aspects within themselves that they hadn’t really thought much about before.

They were still waiting for her to come back out when they heard a soft swishing sound behind them. Before they could react, they heard Kara’s soft voice telling them they could turn around now. Startled, they realized she must have flown around the building and come back through the front door!

Walking confidently into the midst of them, almost as if she was on some modeling assignment, wearing the latest swimsuit or athletic wear, she saw them all looking at her with amazement. She was far more beautiful and stunning in that red and blue costume than the actress that had played the role on TV. Their eyes were drawn to the large ‘S’ on her chest, that symbol of power displayed across the remarkable contours of her much larger breasts!

Her extremely short skirt and red boots accented her deeply tanned legs as they saw her strong muscles bunching and relaxing with each step. Her honey blond hair fell most of the way down her back, nearly to her waist, as it covered the top of her flowing red cape.

“Well, guys, what do you think,” she said. “Am I ready for the movie sequel or what!”

“My god, Kara, you’re incredible. You look like you were made for that costume,” Sarah said. They all were speechless as they stared at her while she turned slowly around, smiling back at them while modeling the costume in her accustomed fashion. The filmy little pleats of the tiny skirt felt so good against her skin as the skintight top felt wonderful, especially the way the stretchy fabric hugged her body.

“Hey, Kara, its time for our rematch,” someone finally said loudly from the back of the room. Relieved that someone had broken the silence, she smiled at Kevin. She, as well as the rest of the women, had kidded around on various occasions as they had tried to arm wrestle him. He had an incredibly well-muscled body and often appeared in commercials and print where they needed an extremely well-built and handsome guy, having won a few natural bodybuilding contests during the last year. As was expected, he had always beaten the girls in this arm wrestling, sometimes two of them at a time, without really trying very hard, although he had always been impressed with Kara’s strength. She had often been able to resist him for a second or two before he inevitably overpowered her.

“Ok, Kevin,” she said. “But this is my chance to get back at you for beating me all those times.” She smiled at him as she said, “I hope your ego can handle getting beat by a girl today. After all, I am the ‘fabulous SuperGirl’ the news media was talking about!” She wasn’t really worried about Kevin as they were good friends and she knew that there was probably nothing she could do to damage his strong and healthy ego.

They sat down at the table as Kara leaned a bit toward him as they locked their hands. Kevin was startled as he found that he could see most of the way down the top of her costume as her green eyes looked up at his. This costume had clearly not been designed for someone with as dramatic and firm a chest as her own! He felt a thrill run through his body as his hand closed on her warm soft hand, remembering the footage he had seen of what she could now do with the hand that was holding his. She somehow seemed completely different, and much sexier now, than the girl he had become such good friends with.

Someone shouted “ready, set, 1,2,3, go” and Kevin poured everything he had into his arm. He saw Kara’s arm flexing slightly as his massive muscles expanded from his arm. He felt a thrill as he felt her arm giving way under his for a moment as he suddenly thought he was going to beat her as usual! Suddenly, she gave him a quick smile as he saw her arm flexing a bit more strongly.

It suddenly felt as if he was pushing against a living bar of steel! She straightened her arm up as she smoothly and slowly pushed his arm down on the other side until it touched the table, her effortless and overwhelming strength thrilling him! He felt a rush through his body as he felt the power of her incredible muscles, muscles he now knew were thousands of times stronger than his. Sitting still for a moment, he continued to firmly holding her hand as everyone pounded Kara on the back and congratulated her, glad to see someone finally beating Kevin at his own game!

Kara just stared into Kevin’s eyes, noticing the very flushed look on his face. Lowering her eyes, she used her vision to look through the table to see that Kevin now had a huge erection! She let go of his hand as she stood up to draw attention away from him as she gave him a little knowing smile. They had talked one time about female bodybuilders as they had driven to a shoot and she knew he was very attracted to the concept of a woman stronger than he was.


The maintenance man, Frank, who had often helped Kara fix her old car, had pushed his way through the crowd to stand in front of her. He had been like a father to many of the girls as he fixed their cars and had listened sympathetically to their problems and heartbreaks and had congratulated them on their successes. Kara had often talked with him for hours when she wasn’t busy. She had known him for many years as he had worked as a maintenance man at her high school until she graduated. A couple of months after that, he took a maintenance position in the building her agency was now located in. She looked at him as she remembered that she had seen the inside his locker once to see that it was covered with pictures of a blond woman who looked very much like she did right now in this costume! She had always wondered who it was, but had never felt that it was appropriate for her to ask him.

“There is something that you need to see,” he said to her. He took her hand in his as he led her down the hall to the maintenance room. Kara looked back at her friends with a questioning look on her face as she let him lead her down the hallway. She could feel his hands trembling as he closed the door of the maintenance shop behind her. Kara stood in the center of the room with her golden hair highlighted by a shaft of sunlight that came through the skylight. Her green eyes were sparkling in the bright sun as she looked at Frank with a quizzical look on her face. His hands were still shaking as he pulled a sketch book from under his workbench and laid it in front of her.

“I’ve never been able to show this to anyone else,” he said. “Look at those pictures!”

Kara looked at a number of old photographs and many drawings of a young woman who looked just like herself! She was shocked as she saw that the woman was wearing a costume not so much different than the one she was wearing right now! She kept turning the pages until she found a group of them were she had been drawn without her costume. She looked back up at Frank, who started to look a little uncomfortable, as she saw that some of the nudes were in very suggestive poses.

She kept turning the pages until she found a couple of sketches where the woman was posing while flexing her muscles. Kara was shocked as she saw that the woman had the same incredible expansion and definition of her muscles as her own body! How could he have known to draw these pictures of her when she herself hadn’t even known what her body was capable of until yesterday! Everything in the book looked really old, yet it certainly looked like drawings that could only have been made the last day!

Kara turned the pictures over to look for a name, but the backs were blank except for the dates which were more than 15 years ago. She was shocked as she turned to Frank. “Who is this woman,” she asked. “She looks just like me and that costume is really something from the movies!”

“That woman is your mother,” Frank said. 93"She was my good friend when she was here on Earth. I was quite an artist in those days and she posed for me many times. What you call her costume was actually the clothes that she wore when she visited the Earth. Your mother was sort of an ambassador who kept on eye on this planet on the behalf of a group of leaders on Velor.”

“You knew my mother,” Kara gasped! “What is this ‘Velor’ place and what happened to her and when did you know her?” The questions kept pouring from her as she suddenly felt as if a huge door into her past was opening up.

“I was friends with your mother for more than 20 years. She would always look me up when she visited Earth. However, you were a bit less than 2 years old the last time I met her. She had been living on Earth since you were born but was called away to help protect another planet that was being attacked by the Arions. She never returned; I don’t know what happened to her. She also never really told me who your father was; she didn’t want to talk about that. All she would tell me was that it was a Velorian man she had met while they were on a mission.”

Kara was staggered as she suddenly realized that this kindly old man had been trying to watch out for her all these years. All the years she had grown up, he had remained close to her yet had been nearly invisible as he watched over her from the background! She stared in wonder at him as he turned to pull an old box from the top of his shelves as he took out a small case before handing it to her. Kara looked down to open it only to find that it contained some silky florescent yellow cloth. She pulled it out as her hands ran over the silkiest and sheerest fabric she had ever felt! It had a slight sheen to it as if it was made of metal, but it felt like the sheerest silk she had ever felt. The whole costume might have weighed half an ounce, if that!

“That was one of your mother’s costumes that she wore. I’ve been saving it for the day you finally were able to wear it, Kara.”

She looked back up at him as she saw that his eyes were moist as he remembered the incredible woman he had met so many years before. Her heart reached out to him as she realized that he still mourned for the woman he had lost nearly fifteen years ago. She looked again at the pictures as she realized that she looked like more than her mother’s daughter, she looked identical to her in nearly every way. They could exchange places in these pictures and no one would ever be able to tell the difference! She looked up to see Frank staring at her as she held the tiny yellow costume in her hands. She suddenly felt an urge to try it on to see if she really looked as much like her mother as she thought she did.

“Would you like me to put this on, Frank, to help you remember her? Did my mother wear this very often?”

“That was what she always wore when we first met again after she returned from one of her missions,” he said.

Kara could tell from the way he talked, and from the fact that the special costume that she had worn for him was so tiny, that his mother and he must have been much more than just friends. She felt a sudden desire to bring her mother’s memory back to him as she stood in front of him.

“I know from the way you talk that my mother and you were very close,” she said. “Would it help ease the pain if you could see her one more time?”

His eyes told her everything she needed to know as she reached up to undo the clasps holding her cape on as she folded it on the table. She walked a few steps away from him as she turned her back to him while she started to change. She undid her skirt and dropped it to the floor, her sudden reflection a mirror on the other side of the room reminding her that she was not wearing anything underneath it! Suddenly embarrassed, she kept her back to him as she leaned way down to take her red boots off. She quickly stood back up while pulling her top up and over her shoulders before she folded it on the table also.

She picked up the florescent yellow costume and started to put it on. The top and bottom were connected by a pair of thin straps that connected at the back of the waistband. The top consisted of two circular pieces of material that covered just the very center of her breasts. A thin strap ran diagonally up from each breast to attach to a choker that surrounded her neck. The rounded sides, tops and bottoms of her breasts were completely visible as the fabric was barely enough to cover her nipples! And the bottom looked similar to the kind of thong swimsuits that are common today. Two thin straps also ran from her top down around her ribcage to attach at the back of the narrow waistband. The fabric was so thin and sheer, however, that she couldn’t even feel that she was wearing any clothes as she turned around to face him again.

She heard him gasp as she saw his eyes running up and down her body as she walked the few feet back to stand before him. She used her super vision to look beneath his clothes to confirm what she had heard about him. She could see the war injuries he had suffered as a young man, the injuries that had cut the nerves that controlled his ability to have an erection and prevented him from ever being able to make love to any woman. He remained completely flaccid as she saw him breathing faster and faster. Her own body began to tingle as she looked down to see how little of her own body this costume really covered!

“My god,” he said as she heard him gasp again, “you are the spitting image of her mother! In every way, you look exactly like her.”

“I know about your injury, Frank. Can you tell me what my mother and you did together that was so exciting to both of you?”

She saw him hesitating for a moment as he was clearly uncomfortable with telling her about it.

“We would talk for hours about our different worlds and about her amazing adventures as she traveled to help protect other worlds. We would often talk for days at a time. She always seemed to need someone she could talk openly with who she knew would hold all her confidences.”

“Is that all,” Kara asked.

“No, “ he said as he was obviously uncomfortable now. “She would also show me her great powers.” His voice became very soft now as he said, “You have to understand that there was no one who could be with her on this planet. She, uh, did not have much control over her body as she had always lived away from Velor. She could never be with a Terran man, yet she had such strong needs. I was the only person she could really open up to and share her feelings with. She used to get pleasure from, uh, having me make things for her and then watch her while she relieved the tensions that came from... from not having a Velorian man as her consort. 4"

Kara was at first shocked by what this suggested! However, as she thought about it, she began to understood how her mother might have been forced to behave that way. She knew she had to be very careful herself, but her years of living as a normal girl had allowed her to develop the appropriate reflexes to maintain some control over her own body. Yet she felt an ache in her heart as she realized how lonely her mother must have been except for the company of this kind and considerate man. His own injury allowed him to be around her without causing the kind of tension that other men would have created.

He reached down to pick up a heavy steel bar as he handed it her as he said, “Lets see if you can indeed carry on the legacy of your mother and that you are a true daughter of Velor.”

Kara held the steel bar in her hands as Frank saw the tendons along the back of her hands becoming defined. Her arms and chest flexed just as he remembered her mother’s had, the younger girl’s hands proving to be just as strong as Kara quickly bent the steel bar in half! She then squeezed her fingers until the bar began to deform under her grip, slowly pulling her hands apart. The steel stretched and deformed like it was made of soft taffy, the bar slowly tearing into two pieces. She then folded the halves of the bar over themselves three times, making the bar nearly three inches thick.

She then squeezed it with all of her super strength, the tortured steel squeezing out between her fingers as if it was just a soft wax. She lifted her powerfully flexed arms in the air as she focused her heat vision on her hands until the steel began to turn to white-hot liquid. The molten steel began to run down her arms. She kept squeezing and heating the steel into hot molten liquid as she felt it flowing down over her bare shoulders and down across her broad chest. It felt warm and comfortable as rivulets of glowing steel flowed under her top. The warmth felt incredible as she felt it flowing down between her breasts and across her stomach.

She finally turned to douse the glowing hot steel in the sink as she felt Frank’s hands carefully undoing the choker from the back of her neck, his fingers dangerously close to the glowing steel that covered her shoulders. She jerked her head around to look up at him for a moment, the look in his eyes telling her what she must do. Stepping back from him, she carefully reached up with her still glowing hands to take the rest of her top off. The steel that covered her chest was cooling rapidly as her body absorbed the heat from it. The center of her chest was almost completely coated with a thin layer of cooling steel as she turned around to face him. She felt really strange as she found that she enjoyed how he was looking at her, but in a way she had never felt before. The molten steel had only flowed over the center of her chest and around her breasts, yet most of that intimate flesh was uncovered. She knew she was standing essentially nude in front of this older man!

She somehow wasn’t surprised or uncomfortable as he reached up to run his hands under her silky hair, the steel now cool enough across her chest for him to lean forward, for his lips to gently touch hers. Kara held herself totally still as he gently kissed her several times. On his fourth kiss, she reached down to take his hands in hers, to gently raised his hands as she placed them on her breasts!

She felt a thrill coursing through her body as his fingers traced the softness of her breasts, as they moved across the still warm steel that had flowed between them. Her own hands reached up to cover his as her fingers began to bend the steel, her strength put to use once again as she peeled it off her body. She could feel her strong chest muscles flexing under his hands as she twisted and tore the steel coating from her body. Finally bending the steel downward to tear if from her waist, she dropped it onto the floor.

His hands finally fell back to his sides as he finally stepped back, his eyes looking both excited and embarrassed by what he had just done. Yet his eyes held a warmth, a grateful look that silently thanked her for allowing him to remember his long lost lover, at least for a moment.

“You are indeed your mother’s daughter,” Frank finally said when he could talk again. “No Terran woman could have even a thousandth of the strength you just showed me. You have a responsibility to this planet now, Kara. Your mother was here as a Protector, you need to take her place. You and that other girl called Aurora. I want you to take the name that your mother would have called herself if she had stayed on Earth. She had planned to use the name ‘SuperGirl’.”

Kara listened to his words but her mind drifted as she could not absorb what this all meant. She didn’t want to be anyone’s protector, especially the protector of a planet! Just the thought of being responsible for all these other people caused a huge lump to form in her stomach. She shook her head as she said “I don’t think so, Frank. I just want to be the same girl I was before; I was happy that way. I like the strength I have now and its really cool to be able to fly, but I just want to live my life as it was. I’m really sorry, I can’t be what you want me to be. And what we shared here today was special; it won’t happen again. Thank you, though, for telling me about my mother.”

With that, she grabbed her other costume and ran down the hall to get ready for her modeling assignments for the day.

Kara slipped quickly into her dressing room to get changed before hurrying out the door to the van that would take them out for their morning shoot. She saw Frank standing by the door as he caught her eye as she headed for the van. She quickly turned away from him as she grabbed her stuff and hopped into the side-door of the van to go to the shoot location.

She had just gotten in when Kevin joined her. She suddenly remembered that this was a ‘couples’ shoot for a men’s magazine to show the new men and women’s swimsuits from one of the big swimsuit manufacturers. She hoped her little game with him this morning wasn’t going to ruin his concentration.

They drove quickly to one of the secluded state beaches along the edge of the Santa Monica mountains. They walked down the path along the cliffs to meet the crew that was setup on the beach. Kara scanned the description of the shoot as she suddenly realized that there was going to be a little nudity in these shots! She hadn’t been prepared for that today, although it wasn’t unusual for her to do that kind of modeling as required.

She watched the eyes of the crew as she saw that they were looking at her differently this morning as they had all seen the endless TV coverage of her from the previous day. She walked over to the producer of the shoot as she pulled him aside for a moment. They talked intently for a few minutes before he made a couple of phone calls from his cellular. After a few moments, he gave her the thumbs up as he walked off quickly to make some changes in the shooting schedule for the day.

Kara was smiling to herself as she thought about what she had just done. Her agent had originally agreed to a $1000 fee for this shoot, she had just changed it to $50,000! She had offered the producer an exclusive photo shoot that showed off her new strength and powers! She walked over to Kevin as she explained what she had just done. He was initially shocked as she described what she had in mind. He told her he didn’t really want to work that way until she told him that she had negotiated to increase his fee for the day to $2000! He didn’t care as he leaned down to explained to her that he didn’t think he could remain very professional during the shoot. Especially if she insisted on showing off her muscles!

“Kevin,” she said with a laugh. “I’m depending on your not remaining professional. Do you realize how many women have seen you in print and on commercials and are in love with your bod? Seeing you reacting to me as I know you’re going to will make you famous. After all, now that I can see through things, I’ve, uh, noticed how well you’re really put together down there. Sarah is a lucky girl. You just have to keep it in your suit; after all, this is an ‘R’ shoot.”

He stared at her in shock, laughing nervously as his hand slipped down to cover himself as he saw her glancing down at him.

The first shoot of the day involved Kara walking up out of the water toward Kevin as he ran into the surf to embrace her. She was wearing a string bikini while he wore a tiny bikini-style suit himself. They met in knee deep water, kissing for a moment as they reached out to hold each other. However, instead of the usual scene where the man holds her in his arms and carries her up onto the beach, she picked him up and did the same, finally setting him down on the warm sand while continuing to kiss him deeply, their tongues meeting, the kiss becoming more than he had bargained for. He felt his body reacting very strongly, the protection of being a ‘professional’ on a shoot suddenly stripped away by this SuperGirl.

At that very moment, she stepped away to grab a towel while starting to dry herself off, the cameras continuing to roll. She faced the cameras while bending backwards, her eyes closed while Kevin helped dry her long blond hair. Her breasts were pushed upward to the point where it looked like they were going to rip the top of her suit open, the suspense drawing every male eye on the set! Eyes still closed, she reached her hands up behind her shoulders to surround his neck, flexing her biceps, amazingly large steel-hard muscles rising up on either side of his face, the pronounced cleft between her tricep and bicep clearly displayed for the cameras. Tiny rivulets of water ran down between her breasts and across her washboard stomach, the camera zooming in for super-close-ups as it captured it all.

Kara could feel Kevin’s immense erection pushing slightly against her buttocks, his eyes no longer professional as he looked down over her shoulders to see her nearly bare upraised breasts. He also had trouble taking his eyes off her beautifully rounded firm biceps as they gently touched the sides of his cheeks. He couldn’t ever remember being this turned on before, the contrast between the super-feminine and the super-strong defining this young girl as SuperGirl. His reaction now at a peak, she suddenly turned to the side as she began drying off his back, his entire body and his incredible erection suddenly displayed to the close-up camera as the lens ran slowly down his strong body.

They finally heard the director call ‘cut’ as Kevin turned around and pulled Kara close to him.

“I hope you know what you’re doing here,” he said. “Sarah is going to be really jealous if she sees these shots in print.”

“Kevin, I’ve known Sarah longer than you,” Kara said. “She will not only not be jealous, she’ll be thrilled by the reaction she knows you will create in other women. She’s far too beautiful and confident a woman to let this little display threaten her.”

Kevin had to agree as he held her to him, more to provide some privacy than anything else. Sarah was a very realistic and mature woman and she had been around the modeling business long enough to know that professionalism only went so far. However, this realization wasn’t helping him get back under control. his erect cock rubbing gently against her firm flat and very warm stomach! His fingers were still tracing the amazingly firm contours of her back as her delicate perfume drifted by his nose. Her firm breasts were just barely grazing his chest, her hard nipples tracing two paths across his bare skin, all the hiding his massive erection against her body. He suddenly realized that her impact on him was so strong that he was never going to get himself back under control this way!

Despite this, the morning went on with a number of really provocative shoots while the producer put his imagination, and Kara’s strength and powers, to good use. They finally broke for lunch as Kevin’s girlfriend Sarah, who was also Kara’s longtime friend, joined them. The three of them sat alone as they talked about how the shoot was going. Kara leaned over to whisper in her ear as she described how Kevin had been reacting to her all morning.

“Oh, you poor baby,” Sarah said as she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “You’re having a trouble with little Kara here. Hmmm, just wait till we get home tonight and I’ll take care of that little problem of yours.”

Kara smiled as she saw Kevin relaxing a bit as he saw how comfortable Sarah was with the shoot and with his strong reaction to Kara. He agreed with what Kara had said earlier, Sarah was far too confident a woman to let something like this bother her.

Kara suddenly pulled Sarah aside as she described an idea she had for a final shoot this afternoon. She had to get Sarah’s OK as it was going to be a little unconventional. Sarah listened before hugging her friend and telling her it was OK. Kara then walked over to discuss it with the producer while Sarah discussed it with Kevin. Kevin initially protested the idea until Sarah convinced him it was OK with her. Kara came back to tell them that the director was going to send most of the crew home and would only keep the camera crew on site. She told Kevin that she had arranged for another large increase in Kevin’s fee for this final shot. She didn’t tell him that she had agreed to let her new fee be paid to Kevin and not to herself. Kara was happy as she knew that this would be enough to allow Kevin and Sarah to finally buy the house they had been looking at for so long.


Sarah walked over behind the changing canvas as she helped Kara switch into the swimsuit for the final shoot. They talked about Kevin for a minute as Kara started to change into a very tiny fantasy swimsuit that made her look like some kind of female warrior! It was made up of leather and metalized fabric that was fitted tightly around her body. The skirt was made of little strips of metalized fabric and didn’t come down far enough to even begin to cover her buttocks. She wore nothing else under it. The top just barely covered the center of her chest such that the rounded tops and bottoms of her breasts were clearly visible. Thick metal bands surrounded her upper arms and she wore a pair of wide steel bracelets on her wrists.

She finally put her robe back on as she walked across the beach to meet Kevin. He was wearing an extremely tiny black and red leather swimsuit as he waited for her to return. Kara started flexing her muscles under her robe to get her body pumped up for the shoot. She wanted to look like a beautiful ‘super’ bodybuilder when she dropped the robe. They walked over next to a huge boulder that was nearly ten feet tall as she turned to face Kevin. Her wide green eyes gazed into his just before she let the robe slip down to the sand. Kevin’s eyes held hers for moment until he couldn’t restrain himself any further. He looked down and was astounded to see her strong body displayed as she continued to work to pump up her muscles for the simulated fight with him. He was amazed as the muscles all across her body flexed beautifully as she suddenly looked as large as a serious female bodybuilder! He had never seen her looking like this before and was shocked as she looked like every fantasy he had ever had of what a beautiful bodybuilder should look like!

The director walked up and called for the scene to start. Kara leaned over a bit as she began to dance around him as they acted out the beginnings of a fight scene. He was having trouble moving as his huge erection was bulging out from his tiny suite as he looked down at Kara’s breasts as they were nearly fully visible under her warrior’s costume. Her arms and legs were flexing hugely as she showed her pumped body off as she danced around him. She suddenly whirled around as she pulled his arm over her shoulder and threw him to the soft sand. He finally started to get into the scene as they fought and wrestled for many minutes as the camera’s rolled. Kara finally appeared to get the best of him as she knocked him down onto his back as she appeared to stun him.

She appeared to be in a silent rage as she stepped aside and reached out to grab the massive boulder that must have weighted more than twenty tons! The muscles of her back and legs flexed beautifully as she slowly picked it up! Her calves exploded into rounded balls of steel as all the muscles of her long legs were suddenly fully displayed for the cameras. Her shapely rounded glutes suddenly looked like they were sculpted from steel as she straightened her back up while she lifted the massive boulder from the ground! She turned and walked back over to Kevin as if she was going to smash it down on him. Her legs rippled beautifully with her super muscles while she walked. Her shoulders and arms were suddenly flexing even more strongly as she lifted the massive boulder high over her head. The muscles of her chest flexed so powerfully that the inflexible top of her costume ripped loudly apart and fell to the ground to reveal her beautiful upraised breasts! The thick steel bands around her upper arms groaned and bent as Kara’s muscles also proved to be far stronger than they were. They eventually burst from her arms as her huge rounded biceps were suddenly set free.

Kara appeared to hesitate for a moment as her body appeared to be straining to hold the massive boulder over her head. She walked up to Kevin as he lay in the sand as she spread her legs to straddle his hips. He reached up to run his hands up over the massive muscles of her gorgeous legs as he acted as if he was pleading with her to spare his life. They had intended to ‘simulate’ having sex in this position. She felt her nipples growing huge and erect as she looked down to see his erect penis outlined under his swimsuit. Kara appeared to hesitate for a moment as her nipples grew ever larger until they seemed to be nearly as large around as her thumbs! She gradually began to bend her strong beautiful legs as she lowered her body down over him while still holding the massive boulder over her head. She heard a ripping sound from his leather suit as she lowered herself. She was nearly down when she felt the amazing sensation of his penis sliding between the lips of her labia! They both gasped as they felt the initial thrill of penetration. Kara knew she should stop herself, but was unable to as she continued to lower herself until he was buried deeply within her!

Kevin had been shocked when he felt his partially torn swimsuit give way just as Kara was lowering herself over him. His erect penis suddenly stood up so straight from his body that she lowered herself right over him! The sensation of accidentally penetrating her combined with the incredible vision of her beautiful and powerful body over him was too much for him to resist. He reached up as he was sliding deep within her to hold her firm shapely ass. His hands held her for a moment before he ran them up under her long blond hair as his fingers traced the incredible contours of her back muscles. He was thrilled as his hands ran over the still feminine muscles that he knew where holding many tons of weight in the air!

Kara sank slowly to her knees as she began rocking her body back and forth on him as she lifted herself up and down over him! She couldn’t stop herself either as she felt his hands run up over her back and then down again to hold her firm tight ass. All of her powerful muscles continued to flex with the effort of holding the massive boulder over her head as she felt her glutes rippling slightly under his firm grip. After a few moments, he ran his fingers gently up over her washboard abs as his hands surrounded the edges of her soft breasts. His fingers softly touched the boundaries of her soft breasts where they met the steel-hard muscles beneath. She felt his hands running slowly back down across her flat strong stomach until he was holding her powerful legs. She kept using her powerful thighs and her ass to rock herself up and down under the massive weight of the boulder!

Kara quickly realized that she was going to experience her second orgasm since she had gained her new powers! Kevin himself was clearly out of control by now as he tried to thrust himself faster and faster up against her body. She concentrated on an image of flexing all her muscles except the ones holding Kevin as she poured her strength and energy into her arms and chest. She quickly felt herself slipping over the edge and into the mindless pleasure of her climax. She felt Kevin approaching his own orgasm at the same time as she felt an incredible warm tingling ache spreading outward from her clitoris. She suddenly bent her arms backward before throwing the boulder forward with such strength that it flew more than a hundred feet out into the ocean! She flung her body down over Kevin as she covered his face with her kisses and then her breasts as her climax continued on and on.

She rolled the two of them over until he was on top as he continued to thrust himself into her with surprising strength! She wrapped her gorgeous legs around him as she reached down to grab his ass as she helped him thrust himself even more deeply into her. She gradually floated their sand-covered bodies off the beach as she lifted the two of them several feet off the ground with her flying power! She held his ass against herself as she used her strength to continue stroking him back and forth. She finally heard him shout as she felt the warm pulses of his ejaculation deep within her. She spun their bodies around and around in mid-air as her long blond hair became a cloud around them as they both cried out in pleasure! Her own climax finally peaked as she cried out her passion to the wind! She climaxed again and again in a short time as their bodies surged against each other as they hung in midair. Finally, after many minutes of wonderful climax, Kara began to wind down as she also felt him starting to soften within her. She slowly dropped back down to the sand as the cameras faded to black as they lay exhausted in each other’s arms.

Sharon Best
Aurora Universe, Copyright 1995,1996,1997
Home Page: http://www.indra.net/~sharonb/aurora.htm
(Aurora Universe materials are strictly for Mature Readers over 18 years of age!)

Sharon's email... Suggestions and feedback are always welcome!

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